
A BEL export of Hetionet (https://github.com/hetio/hetionet)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

BEL Export of Hetionet

This repository contains exports of Hetionet as Biological Expression Language (BEL). The research article describing Project Rephetio and Hetionet v1.0 is:

Systematic integration of biomedical knowledge prioritizes drugs for repurposing Daniel S Himmelstein, Antoine Lizee, Christine Hessler, Leo Brueggeman, Sabrina L Chen, Dexter Hadley, Ari Green, Pouya Khankhanian, Sergio E Baranzini eLife (2017-09-22) DOI: 10.7554/eLife.26726

BEL is a domain specific language that enables the expression of biological relationships in a machine-readable format. It is supported by the PyBEL software ecosystem.

Download Hetionet as BEL zenodo

The network is available in three BEL formats:

  • BEL Script - see description below
  • Nodelink JSON - see description below
  • GraphDati JSON - see description below


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Mapping from Hetionet to BEL

The table below presents the way each metaedge from Hetionet is mapped to BEL, with a few caveats and notes:

  • In the case of Compound - binds - Gene (CbG), the information about the pharmacological action was used to split this edge into several more types.
  • The metaedges Compound - palliates - Disease (CpD) and Compound - treats - Disease (CtD) are collapsed into the same BEL edge a(X) decreases path(Y)
  • The metaedges Disease - resembles - Disease (DrD) and Disease - presents - Symptom (DpS) look the same because diseases and symptoms are both represented by the path() BEL function, but they differ in namespaces. Future BEL updates might allow for finer granularity nomenclature of entity types beyond path().
  • The metaedges Gene - participates - Biological Process (GpBP) and Gene - participates - Pathway (GpPW) look the same because biological processes and pathways are both represented with the bp() BEL function.
  • Gene Ontology molecular activities and cellular components can't easily be represented in BEL, so the Gene - participates - Cellular Component (GpCC) and Gene - participates - Molecular Function (GpMF) edges are removed
  • The metaedges Compound - downregulates - Gene (CdG) and Compound - upregulates - Gene (CuG) are both considered as being related to the amount of the protein. This assumption could be wrong (did some of these data come from LINCS microarray expreriments, for example? In that case it should be abundance of the RNA)
Hetionet Metaedge Abbr BEL Edge Example
Anatomy - downregulates - Gene AdG r(ncbigene:153572 ! IRX2) negativeCorrelation pop(uberon:"UBERON:0001296" ! myometrium)
Anatomy - expresses - Gene AeG r(ncbigene:147184 ! TMEM99) correlation pop(uberon:"UBERON:0001831" ! "parotid gland")
Anatomy - upregulates - Gene AuG r(ncbigene:55327 ! LIN7C) positiveCorrelation pop(uberon:"UBERON:0002107" ! liver)
Compound - binds - Gene CbG p(ncbigene:64816 ! CYP3A43) partOf complex(a(drugbank:DB01058 ! Praziquantel), p(ncbigene:64816 ! CYP3A43))
Compound - binds - Gene CbG a(drugbank:DB01058 ! Praziquantel) partOf complex(a(drugbank:DB01058 ! Praziquantel), p(ncbigene:64816 ! CYP3A43))
Compound - binds - Gene (modulates) CbG a(drugbank:DB00674 ! Galantamine) regulates p(ncbigene:1143 ! CHRNB4)
Compound - binds - Gene (activates/agonist) CbG a(drugbank:DB01074 ! Perhexiline) decreases act(p(ncbigene:51116 ! MRPS2))
Compound - binds - Gene (decativates/antagonist) CbG a(drugbank:DB00694 ! Daunorubicin) directlyDecreases act(p(ncbigene:4363 ! ABCC1))
Compound - binds - Gene (unknown mechanism) CbG a(drugbank:DB00122 ! Choline) directlyIncreases complex(a(drugbank:DB00122 ! Choline), p(ncbigene:57153 ! SLC44A2))
Compound - binds - Gene (agonist) CbG a(drugbank:DB00553 ! Methoxsalen) increases act(p(ncbigene:5829 ! PXN))
Compound - binds - Gene (agonist) CbG a(drugbank:DB00497 ! Oxycodone) directlyIncreases act(p(ncbigene:4988 ! OPRM1))
Compound - causes - Side Effect CcSE a(drugbank:DB00273 ! Topiramate) increases path(umls:C1142412 ! "Vasodilation procedure")
Compound - downregulates - Gene CdG a(drugbank:DB00273 ! Topiramate) decreases p(X)
Compound - palliates - Disease CpD a(drugbank:DB00635 ! Prednisone) decreases path(doid:"DOID:6364" ! migraine)
Compound - treats - Disease (same as palliates) CtD a(drugbank:DB00635 ! Prednisone) decreases path(doid:"DOID:6364" ! migraine)
Compound - resembles - Compound CrC a(drugbank:DB00936 ! "Salicylic acid") association a(drugbank:DB00627 ! Niacin)
Compound - upregulates - Gene CuG a(drugbank:DB00936 ! "Salicylic acid") increases p(X)
Disease - associates - Gene DaG p(ncbigene:348654 ! GEN1) association path(doid:"DOID:0050425" ! "restless legs syndrome")
Disease - downregulates - Gene DdG r(ncbigene:2983 ! GUCY1B3) negativeCorrelation path(doid:"DOID:14330" ! "Parkinson's disease")
Disease - localizes - Anatomy DlA pop(uberon:"UBERON:0001460" ! arm) association path(doid:"DOID:332" ! "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis")
Disease - presents - Symptom DpS path(mesh:D003693 ! Delirium) association path(doid:"DOID:0050741" ! "alcohol dependence")
Disease - resembles - Disease DrD path(doid:X) association path(doid:Y)
Disease - upregulates - Gene DuG path(doid:"DOID:219" ! "colon cancer") positiveCorrelation r(ncbigene:29080 ! CCDC59)
Gene - covaries - Gene GcG r(ncbigene:162282 ! ANKFN1) correlation r(ncbigene:6098 ! ROS1)
Gene - interacts - Gene GiG p(ncbigene:7416 ! VDAC1) directlyIncreases complex(p(ncbigene:8344 ! HIST1H2BE), p(ncbigene:7416 ! VDAC1))
Gene - participates - Biological Process GpBP p(ncbigene:9353 ! SLIT2) partOf bp(go:"GO:0051384" ! "response to glucocorticoid")
Gene - participates - Cellular Component GpCC N/A
Gene - participates - Molecular Function GpMF N/A
Gene - participates - Pathway (same as BP) GpPW p(ncbigene:9353 ! SLIT2) partOf bp(go:"GO:0051384" ! "response to glucocorticoid")
Gene > regulates > Gene Gr>G p(ncbigene:356 ! FASLG) regulates p(ncbigene:1445 ! CSK)
Pharmacologic Class - includes - Compound PCiC a(drugbank:DB00956 ! Hydrocodone) isA a(drugcentral:N0000000174 ! "Opioid Agonists")


This repository redistributes content from hetio/hetionet and is licensed in the same way. See the License section of the original Hetionet repository and moore information on Thinklab.

Format Descriptions

BEL Script

BEL Script is the de facto standard for BEL, which all BEL-aware applications should be able to consume. It contains informations about the nodes, edges, and their biological context in a domain-specific language. It can be parsed with PyBEL or other BEL parsers.

Example opening BEL Script using pybel.from_bel_script_gz():

from pybel import from_bel_script_gz
graph = from_bel_script_gz('hetionet-v1.0.bel.gz')

Nodelink JSON

Node-link is the format popularized by Javascript frameworks like D3 for representing network information. Since the main data structire in PyBEL is a network, it often makes sense to use Nodelink JSON as a pre-compiled data structure for BEL (since parsing/compiling BEL takes a lot longer than JSON). The schema is specific to PyBEL, but this is the fastest to load.

Example opening Nodelink JSON using pybel.from_nodelink_gz():

from pybel import from_nodelink_gz
graph = from_nodelink_gz('hetionet-v1.0.bel.nodelink.json.gz')

GraphDati JSON

GraphDati JSON is another JSON schema used for BEL by the BEL.bio and BioDati projects (note: username/password for the demo server are demo/demo).

In general, BEL graphs can be exported to GraphDati JSON then uploaded to BioDati via its API. Note, this address will be different for your instance of BioDati. More directly, BEL graphs in PyBEL can be uploaded programatically with pybel.post_graphdati().