(subjective) overview of projects which are related both to python and semantic technologies (RDF, OWL, Reasoning, ...)
- abecodeUniversity of St. Thomas, Graduate Programs in Software
- althonosLUMC (ex EMBL) @zellerlab
- Ankush-ChanderGamekeepers
- ArturSchweidtmann@process-intelligence-research
- bennokrAmsterdam
- blokhin@mpds-io @tilde-lab
- cdpierse@weaviate
- cmungallLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- cthoyt@northeastern
- Daniel-MietchenJena, Germany
- dhimmel@related-sciences
- dpriskornStockholm, Sweden
- felixockerFrankfurt, Germany
- Hawzen
- joelkuiperGroningen, The Netherlands
- jtclaypool
- KamilLegaultUnnamed AI Company
- kinglewMontreal, Canada
- kjappelbaumEPFL
- kshefchek@myhelix
- lalitpagariaBlue Pencil Strategies
- LilaRest@MeetVisitors
- metaodiEBP Schweiz AG
- michalwolsNew York
- ml-evs@modl-uclouvain / @matgenix / @datalab-industries
- Murplugg
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- robert-mieth
- sap218University of Oxford
- sati-itas
- shigapovHeidelberg, Germany
- smartniz
- stigbd@computas
- treymo
- vsayerNot Mars