- 3
Orientation of simplicial complexes
#358 opened by ffl096 - 0
Deprecations to be removed in 0.2.0
#390 opened by ffl096 - 0
Make `gudhi` dependency optional
#387 opened by ffl096 - 0
Unreachable code in ColoredHyperGraph, ColoredHyperGraphView, and CombinatorialComplex
#291 opened by gurug-dev - 2
BUG in get_rank method in ColoredHyperEdgeView
#277 opened by gurug-dev - 0
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 0
pyproject.toml not enforcing build constraints
#321 opened by devendragovil - 0
Implement weights inside all complexes
#245 opened by ffl096 - 1
Import Convention for TopoNetX
#335 opened by ffl096 - 2
Typos and errors in [01_simplicial_complexes.ipynb]
#349 opened by rodroadl - 1
Source Links in tutorials don't work
#177 opened by devendragovil - 2
- 1
Topological domain generator module
#257 opened by mhajij - 0
#184 opened by mhajij - 1
Clarification of order-preserving rule for CCC
#315 opened by viyx - 0
- 0
OFF files to NPZ files
#346 opened by gm1225 - 6
Changing lint and formatter
#328 opened by devendragovil - 1
Review and Validate TopoNetX for publication
#237 opened by ninamiolane - 2
- 1
Docstrings Missing
#326 opened by devendragovil - 8
Sphinx Build is throwing many warnings
#178 opened by devendragovil - 11
Definition of CCC and the logic that follows from it.
#316 opened by viyx - 7
- 3
Breaking downstream change
#302 opened by devendragovil - 0
Add `CITATION.cff` file after JMLR submission
#301 opened by ffl096 - 0
Switch from sparse matrices to sparse arrays
#300 opened by ffl096 - 4
adding issues in ColoredHyperGraph and CCC
#268 opened by mhajij - 4
Increasing code coverage for toponetx to 99%
#256 opened by mhajij - 0
Edge Features of COSEG
#286 opened by soham0209 - 0
Edge features of COSEG is a list of lists
#280 opened by soham0209 - 0
Naming inconsistency: attributes vs. properties
#271 opened by ffl096 - 2
- 7
- 0
Clean-up exception classes used in the package
#260 opened by ffl096 - 1
Discrepancies across sparse tensors: csr and coo
#166 opened by ninamiolane - 2
Documentation Clarification
#240 opened by jackychen08 - 0
NodeView does not implement __iter__
#222 opened by gurug-dev - 1
Bug in get_rank method of Hyperedge View
#212 opened by devendragovil - 0
Bug in module inheritance
#214 opened by devendragovil - 0
Bug in skeleton method of Hyperedge View
#211 opened by devendragovil - 0
Cell View __contains__ issues with homotopic cells and non-ordered Iterables
#210 opened by devendragovil - 1
Tests for Complex Abstract Class pass without inheriting the abstract class
#197 opened by devendragovil - 1
Unit Tests for Hyperedge are not running
#199 opened by devendragovil - 0
Create abstract class for `HyperEdge`, `Cell`, `Simplex` and other similar containers
#170 opened by mhajij - 2
Minimum Python Version
#161 opened by ffl096 - 3