- 4
Load Custom Pre-Trained PyTorch MLP as Surrogate Model
#2566 opened by vinkyc - 2
[Bug] `KroneckerMultiTaskGP` incompatible with `batch_cross_validation` or batched models
#2553 opened by slishak-PX - 5
- 9
[Bug] Parameter Constraints Do Not Work
#2542 opened by kayween - 4
[Feature Request] Enable type checkers
#2569 opened by AdrianSosic - 0
Modifying the vae-mnist example to incorporate SVDKL model from gpytorch.
#2567 opened by utkarshp1161 - 1
- 5
How to get mean and covariance matrix from GP model?
#2559 opened by ricvolpi - 6
- 1
- 2
[Bug]Analytic Acquisition Functions not working with SingleTaskVariationalGP for multi-output data
#2530 opened by SaiAakash - 2
[Style] Use `typing_extensions.Self` pre-3.11 Python
#2487 opened by eddiebergman - 2
[Bug] Inputs are not transformed when using `GPyTorchModel.condition_on_observations`
#2533 opened by mikkelbue - 2
[Feature Request] T-batch acquisition optimization
#2528 opened by yunshengtian - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
[Question] Anyway to ensure non-duplicated inclusion of pending configs when wrapping acquisitions?
#2493 opened by eddiebergman - 2
- 1
[Bug] Handler added to logger twice
#2503 opened by slishak-PX - 2
- 1
[Feature Request] Sample Shape as Constructor Parameter in MCSamplerMixin and Children
#2482 opened by julianStreibel - 3
[Bug] `get_polytope_samples` fails for inequalities over `q`-batches and the actual dimension
#2468 opened by AVHopp - 3
Chained Objectives
#2418 opened by kstone40 - 2
When to use model(X) vs. model.posterior(X) ?
#2455 opened by lukas-frank - 1
- 2
[Bug] Documentation not rendering for classes that have no class docstring (but have an __init__ docstring)
#2419 opened by esantorella - 4
[Bug] _get_noiseless_fantasy_model for LogNoisyExpectedImprovement and NoisyExpectedImprovement only works for default GP with default Matern & no input or outcome transforms
#2412 opened by 71c - 1
Choosing between maximization & minimization with BoTorch acquisition functions
#2439 opened by AdrianSosic - 0
Documentation, especially on the landing page, should reflect current best practices
#2421 opened by esantorella - 3
- 9
- 5
How to make qEHVI or qNEHVI work with MultitaskGP?
#2416 opened by sheikhahnaf - 2
GPyTorch version bump
#2417 opened by apaleyes - 12
[Bug] fit_gpytorch_mll gives backward pass runtime exception on second model fit attempt with HeteroskedasticSingleTaskGP
#2370 opened by Tim-Infl - 1
[Bug] Inconsistent Gradient Values for N-Dimensional Integral of Multidimensional Normal Distribution
#2411 opened by simplifier89 - 0
[Request] Upgrade to GPytorch 1.12
#2407 opened by M-Colley - 1
`ModelListGP.fantasize` does not support `MultiTaskGP`s, but other `ModelListGP` methods do
#2398 opened by esantorella - 1
- 0
[Documentation] Inaccurate and incomplete documentation for `SingleTaskMultiFidelityGP`
#2403 opened by esantorella - 2
[Bug] Lengthscale change with and without normalization
#2392 opened by Talheus - 2
[Bug] Feasible method of PolytopeSampler class returns False in spite of the sample being feasible
#2383 opened by dsanyal - 4
[Bug] Unexpected `BotorchTensorDimensionWarning`
#2376 opened by AdrianSosic - 5
Can MultiTaskGP be trained with batch data?
#2369 opened by ybwang75 - 5
[Bug] get_polytope_samples provides non-random samples when there is a fixed value constraint (x = 1)
#2351 opened by Waschenbacher - 3
- 2
[Bug] MultiTaskGP without data
#2360 opened by AdrianSosic - 1
[Bug] Input normalization makes GP fail to fit data
#2340 opened by martinakaduc - 2
Custom Objective/ Acquistion function
#2317 opened by Yash-Pisat - 3
qKnowledgeGradient CPU & GPU usage
#2318 opened by ruhanaazam