- AdriaJEPFL
- AdriBessonE-scopics
- albertkjollerCopenhagen
- alec-flowersSwitzerland
- amolgmBangalore, India
- andresmntr
- Boughdiri-Ahmed
- cbasedlfParis, France
- Didou09
- dperdiosEPFL
- ebezzamLausanne, Switzerland
- esoubiesIRIT
- fakufakuLINE Corporation
- fandreuzCERN
- hugofluhr@UZH
- jaejun-yooLIB, EPFL
- jkmacc-LANLLos Alamos National Laboratory
- jshowacre
- laptitecolle
- LudvigDillen
- malcolmwMIT
- mathurinm@Inria / Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon
- matthieumeoEPFL
- mdeffQualcomm AI Research
- mhmdjouniUniversité Grenoble Alpes
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- miroineEquinor
- mrava87KAUST
- Murplugg
- nuel-olNigeria
- poldapQamcom Research and Technology
- QB3
- QiminWuVirginia Tech
- sanglinweiTsinghua University
- wdevazelhesTII
- XianruiWangCIAIC, NWPU & WasedaU & LMS, FAU