
Bazel build ERROR on ubuntu

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I am using Linux Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (WSL 2) on a windows 11 machine and I have python 3.10, numpy 1.26.3 and bazel 7.0.0 installed.
I modified the WORKSPACE script according to my path to python and numpy, which are respectively:

However, when I go in qcc/src/lib and try to build using bazel build all I got this error:

ERROR: /home/username/qcc/WORKSPACE:1:21: //external:third_party_python: invalid label '/home/username/qcc/python.BUILD' in attribute 'build_file' in 'new_local_repository' rule: invalid target name '/home/username/qcc/python.BUILD': target names may not start with '/'
ERROR: /home/username/qcc/WORKSPACE:8:21: //external:third_party_numpy: invalid label '/home/username/qcc/numpy.BUILD' in attribute 'build_file' in 'new_local_repository' rule: invalid target name '/home/username/qcc/numpy.BUILD': target names may not start with '/'
ERROR: Error computing the main repository mapping: Encountered error while reading extension file 'toolchains/jdk_build_file.bzl': no such package '@@rules_java_builtin//toolchains': error loading package 'external': Could not load //external package


My solution was the following:

  • in the main folder qcc, create a folder called external:
  • move python.BUILD and numpy.BUILD from qcc to qcc/external
  • then modify the WORKSPACE script as follows:
    name = "third_party_python",
    build_file = "//external:python.BUILD",
    path = "/usr/include/python3.10",

    name = "third_party_numpy",
    build_file = "//external:numpy.BUILD",
    path = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/numpy/core/",

This solved the issue for me.
Hope this was helpful, have a greate day :)