
PLDI'20 Research Artifact for the PMEvo Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Artifact for "PMEvo: Portable Inference of Port Mappings for Out-of-Order Processors by Evolutionary Optimization"

Also see the project website and the paper.

A full pre-built version of this VM is available here for download. A smaller VM without pre-built Ithemal container is available here.

This artifact was created to be used as a Vagrant Virtual Machine. Usage without the VM is possible, but might require you to apply some steps from vm_setup/bootstrap.sh and vm_setup/post_install.sh. In particular, you need to set the PMEVO_BASE environment variable to the absolute path of the vm_setup/pmevo directory.

Setting up the VM

The artifact is provided as a Vagrant Virtual Machine using the Virtual Box provider. To run it, you will need to install Vagrant as described here:


and also Virtual Box as available here:


Depending on your hardware platform, it might be necessary to enable virtualization options in your system's BIOS to use virtual box.

Use the following command to build the VM:

cd vm_setup
vagrant up

Once this is done, ssh to the VM and run the post-install script:

vagrant ssh

Next, leave the VM and package it up:

vagrant package --output ../pmevo-artifact.box

Take the resulting box and put it into an archive together with the shipping vagrant file:

cd ..
tar -czvf pmevo-artifact.tgz Vagrantfile pmevo-artifact.box
