Robot User Interface (UI) Server


This repository contains a server that allows ROS interfacing to the QCR platforms site. The server, when included with a suitable ROS package in a catkin workspace, can be launched to connect to a QCR platform UI. This can enable functionality such as:

  • Starting and/or stopping your ROS package from the UI
  • Enable a convenient way to demonstrate the functionality of your ROS package from a remote location (i.e., the UI can talk to your package from another computer/location)
  • Enable debugging information (i.e., vision capture, etc.) to be easily viewed from a remote location (or on site depending on your use-case)

Installing NodeJs on Ubuntu

NOTE: Tested on Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Install directly from apt:
sudo apt install nodejs npm
  1. Globally install the node version management tool:
sudo npm install -g n
  1. Update to the latest LTS:
sudo n lts

Setup Instructions

The following instructions must be followed to allow the server to run as intended

  1. Follow the NodeJs installation instructions as described above
  2. Create a catkin workspace at a directory of your choosing. This instruction set will assume you are in your home directory for simplicity:
# Make a catkin_ws directory with a src folder (you will clone in the repo at this location)
mdkir ~/catkin_ws/src; cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone; cd robot-ui-server

# Run an npm install to install the project (inside the cloned folder)
npm install

# Move back into the catkin_ws and run a catkin_make to make the ROS package and source the package when complete
cd ~/catkin_ws; catkin_make
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  1. The package can then be run using the following command
rosrun robot_ui_server server

Tailoring the Server to a Distinct Robot Demo

Once you have confirmed the project can be built, additional setup is required to get the server talking to a UI. This is important when a robot is ready for deployment, and you want your package to communicate outwards to the UI.

  1. An environment file template (env-template) is provided with this package. Copy this and rename it to a new file called .env as illustrated in the below commands:
# Enter the robot ui server package if you are not there already
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/robot-ui-server

# Copy and rename the template file (by default, this is not tracked)
cp env-template .env
  1. Open the .env file in an editor of your choice and add data to the following:

    • ID: this is the ID that the QCR Platforms UI will use to communicate to this server. This can be anything of your choosing.
    • TOKEN: A generated Token that is provided when registering your server with the QCR platform UI. INSTRUCTIONS TBD

NOTE: the above steps should be repeated if the demonstration changes, etc.

Contact Information

If you have any inquires into the usage of this platform, please send your queries to and we will be in contact with you at our earliest convenience.

If you have any issues using this package, please do not hesitate to leave an issue using the Github issue tracking system.