
ROS wrappers for "Spatial Maths for Python": https://github.com/petercorke/spatialmath-python

Primary LanguagePython

Spatial Maths for ROS

This ROS package is a collection of conversion functions that wrap the Spatial Maths for Python package.


Clone the package into a Catkin workspace:

u@pc:~/catkin_ws/src$ git clone https://github.com/qcr/spatialmath-ros

And then install as usual using catkin_make:

u@pc:~/catkin_mws$ catkin_make


We use a consistent naming system in all functions for predictable usage:

output = <input_identifier>_to_<output_identifier>(input)


  • output is an object of type corresponding to output_identifier
  • input is an object of type corresponding to input_identifier

For example, the following creates an SE3 object corresponding to a ROS pose message:

my_SE3 = pose_msg_to_SE3(my_pose_msg)

The following tables list the supported identifiers.

ROS Identifiers

Identifier ROS Message Type
pose_msg geometry_msgs/Pose
quat_msg geometry_msgs/Quaternion
tf_msg geometry_msgs/Transform

Spatial Maths for Python Identifiers

Identifier Spatial Maths package Type
quat spatialmath.UnitQuaternion
SE3 spatialmath.SE3
SE2 spatialmath.SE2