Qililab is a generic and scalable quantum control library used for fast characterization and calibration of quantum chips. Qililab also offers the ability to execute high-level quantum algorithms with your quantum hardware.
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[QHC-16] [BUG] asdasdas
#618 opened by AlbertMitjans - 1
[BUG] vs_flux() Qprogram throwing error
#771 opened by OscarQili - 1
[QHC-43] [BUG] Qblox module markers value hardcoded to 15 (RF-modules are the most affected)
#629 opened by 4dri8 - 1
Add documentation to qprogram classes
#733 opened by visagim - 2
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[BUG] QProgram avg causing QRM timeout
#682 opened by visagim - 2
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[BUG] TOF in acquire instructions.
#711 opened by jjmartinezQT - 1
[BUG] Results from qprogram should follow same syntax for quantum machines or qililab
#707 opened by fabiques - 1
[BUG] Executing QProgram after creating new Quantum Machines Cluster tries to run a non-existent compiled qua program
#702 opened by fedonman - 1
[BUG] Unify units of the measured voltages in qprogram between quantum machines and qblox.
#705 opened by fabiques - 1
[BUG] QPySequence cache for QProgram execution messes up with instrument sync/desync
#692 opened by fedonman - 1
[BUG] Testing linear
#699 opened by jjmartinezQT - 13
[BUG] Qprogram.sync() is not adding the wait instructions properly to the Q1ASM (Qblox)
#670 opened by 4dri8 - 1
[Feature] Get QCM sequencer id from QUBIT_IDX
#676 opened by 4dri8 - 1
[BUG] QProgram wait instructions have a maximum value
#671 opened by 4dri8 - 1
[BUG] Play instruction's wait via QProgram has the same duration as the waveform
#672 opened by 4dri8 - 1
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[BUG] Test
#657 opened by jjmartinezQT - 1
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[BUG] Qblox blow up if I cancel the measurement
#638 opened by TronGon - 1
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[BUG] Qblox rf module crashes on `get_parameter`
#639 opened by visagim - 1
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#640 opened by AlbertMitjans - 1
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#633 opened by ziiiki - 1
[QHC-42] [BUG] Qililab is horrible
#632 opened by AlbertMitjans - 0
[BUG] Regression: Empty schedules for flux buses when converting circuit to pulses.
#626 opened by jjmartinezQT - 0
Implementation of Qcodes' database
#627 opened by TronGon - 0
[QHC-13] [BUG] test
#617 opened by AlbertMitjans - 0
[CLO-1] TEst
#616 opened by AlbertMitjans - 1
[QHC-12] [BUG] Testing...
#615 opened by AlbertMitjans - 2
[QHC-11] New public issue
#614 opened by AlbertMitjans - 0
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qililab function to turn the data produced by qililab directly into the format received through qiboconnection
#580 opened by anapalu - 4
[BUG] `Asserts` inside `with` are not really asserting anything in qililab tests.
#582 opened by GuillermoAbadLopez - 0
[BUG] Test
#569 opened by AlbertMitjans - 1
[BUG] system_control.compile() should not try to compile when S4g is in the bus
#556 opened by paulQM - 2
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Errors in Platform documentation
#523 opened by marcoparadina - 2
[BUG] Gaussian and DragCorrection envelopes contain `nan` values when `amplitude` is set to zero.
#470 opened by fedonman - 0
Experiment class capable to relaunch
#504 opened by rsagas - 0
Force reupload
#503 opened by rsagas