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Primary LanguagePython

Updated on 2023.04.13

Table of Contents
  1. Neural Rendering
  2. 3D Reconstruction
  3. Generative Models
  4. Scene Representation
  5. Geometry Processing

Neural Rendering

Publish Date Title Authors Lab PDF Code
2023-04-11 Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Depth-aware Optimization for Novel View Synthesis Shu Chen et.al. Beiji Zou 2304.05218v1 code
2023-04-11 One-Shot High-Fidelity Talking-Head Synthesis with Deformable Neural Radiance Field Weichuang Li et.al. Xuelong Li 2304.05097v1
2023-04-11 MRVM-NeRF: Mask-Based Pretraining for Neural Radiance Fields Ganlin Yang et.al. Dong Liu 2304.04962v1

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3D Reconstruction

Publish Date Title Authors Lab PDF Code
2023-04-11 TT-SDF2PC: Registration of Point Cloud and Compressed SDF Directly in the Memory-Efficient Tensor Train Domain Alexey I. Boyko et.al. Gonzalo Ferrer 2304.05342v1
2023-04-11 Animation Fidelity in Self-Avatars: Impact on User Performance and Sense of Agency Haoran Yun et.al. Nuria Pelechano 2304.05334v1
2023-04-11 Non-relativistic limit for Higher Spin Fields and Planar Schroedinger Equation in 3D Abhijeet Dutta et.al. Abhijeet Dutta 2304.05321v1
2023-04-11 OccFormer: Dual-path Transformer for Vision-based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction Yunpeng Zhang et.al. Dalong Du 2304.05316v1 code
2023-04-11 Neural Delay Differential Equations: System Reconstruction and Image Classification Qunxi Zhu et.al. Wei Lin 2304.05310v1
2023-04-11 EvAC3D: From Event-based Apparent Contours to 3D Models via Continuous Visual Hulls Ziyun Wang et.al. Kostas Daniilidis 2304.05296v1 code
2023-04-11 Adapting to Disruptions: Flexibility as a Pillar of Supply Chain Resilience Ambra Amico et.al. Frank Schweitzer 2304.05290v1
2023-04-11 Derivation of effective theories for thin 3D nonlinearly elastic rods with voids Manuel Friedrich et.al. Konstantinos Zemas 2304.05289v1
2023-04-11 Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Depth-aware Optimization for Novel View Synthesis Shu Chen et.al. Beiji Zou 2304.05218v1 code
2023-04-11 The Time for Reconstructing the Attack Graph in DDoS Attacks Dina Barak-Pelleg et.al. Daniel Berend 2304.05204v1
2023-04-11 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR6 Gravitational Lensing Map and Cosmological Parameters Mathew S. Madhavacheril et.al. Kaiwen Zhang 2304.05203v1
2023-04-11 Critical edges in Rips complexes and persistence Peter Goričan et.al. Žiga Virk 2304.05185v1
2023-04-11 Refined $E_n$ Chern-Simons theory M. Y. Avetisyan et.al. R. L. Mkrtchyan 2304.05184v1
2023-04-11 Loop Closure Detection Based on Object-level Spatial Layout and Semantic Consistency Xingwu Ji et.al. Fei Wen 2304.05146v1
2023-04-11 Modeling and design of heterogeneous hierarchical bioinspired spider web structures using generative deep learning and additive manufacturing Wei Lu et.al. Markus J. Buehler 2304.05137v1
2023-04-11 RecUP-FL: Reconciling Utility and Privacy in Federated Learning via User-configurable Privacy Defense Yue Cui et.al. Jian Liu 2304.05135v1
2023-04-11 Algorithms for Reconstructing DDoS Attack Graphs using Probabilistic Packet Marking Dina Barak-Pelleg et.al. Itamar Zimmerman 2304.05123v1
2023-04-11 Video Event Restoration Based on Keyframes for Video Anomaly Detection Zhiwei Yang et.al. Xiaotao Liu 2304.05112v1
2023-04-11 Feature-assisted interactive geometry reconstruction in 3D point clouds using incremental region growing Attila Szabo et.al. Eduard Gröller 2304.05109v1
2023-04-11 Another Vertical View: A Hierarchical Network for Heterogeneous Trajectory Prediction via Spectrums Conghao Wong et.al. Xinge You 2304.05106v1 code
2023-04-11 One-Shot High-Fidelity Talking-Head Synthesis with Deformable Neural Radiance Field Weichuang Li et.al. Xuelong Li 2304.05097v1
2023-04-11 3D Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography With Plane Wave In Vivo Clement Papadacci et.al. Elisa E Konofagou 2304.05075v1
2023-04-11 Boosting transducer matrix sensitivity for 3D large field ultrasound localization microscopy using a multi-lens diffracting layer: a simulation study Hugues Favre et.al. Clément Papadacci 2304.05074v1
2023-04-11 SPIRiT-Diffusion: Self-Consistency Driven Diffusion Model for Accelerated MRI Zhuo-Xu Cui et.al. Yanjie Zhu 2304.05060v1
2023-04-11 SFT-KD-Recon: Learning a Student-friendly Teacher for Knowledge Distillation in Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Matcha Naga Gayathri et.al. Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam 2304.05057v1
2023-04-11 Wav2code: Restore Clean Speech Representations via Codebook Lookup for Noise-Robust ASR Yuchen Hu et.al. Eng Siong Chng 2304.04974v1
2023-04-11 Re-imagine the Negative Prompt Algorithm: Transform 2D Diffusion into 3D, alleviate Janus problem and Beyond Mohammadreza Armandpour et.al. Mingyuan Zhou 2304.04968v1
2023-04-11 Pixel-wise Guidance for Utilizing Auxiliary Features in Monte Carlo Denoising Kyu Beom Han et.al. Sung-Eui Yoon 2304.04967v1 code
2023-04-11 MRVM-NeRF: Mask-Based Pretraining for Neural Radiance Fields Ganlin Yang et.al. Dong Liu 2304.04962v1
2023-04-11 Panoramic Image-to-Image Translation Soohyun Kim et.al. Jin-Hwa Kim 2304.04960v1
2023-04-11 Multi-Graph Convolution Network for Pose Forecasting Hongwei Ren et.al. Kewei Liang 2304.04956v1
2023-04-11 ClusterFusion: Real-time Relative Positioning and Dense Reconstruction for UAV Cluster Yifei Dong et.al. Ke Li 2304.04943v1
2023-04-11 Digital Holographic Imaging via Direct Quantum Wavefunction Reconstruction Meng-Jun Hu et.al. Yong-Sheng ZHang 2304.04936v1
2023-04-11 SATR: Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation of 3D Shapes Ahmed Abdelreheem et.al. Peter Wonka 2304.04909v1

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Generative Models

Publish Date Title Authors Lab PDF Code
2023-04-11 HRS-Bench: Holistic, Reliable and Scalable Benchmark for Text-to-Image Models Eslam Mohamed Bakr et.al. Mohamed Elhoseiny 2304.05390v1 code
2023-04-11 Diffusion Models for Constrained Domains Nic Fishman et.al. Michael Hutchinson 2304.05364v1
2023-04-11 Optimal Asset Allocation in a High Inflation Regime: a Leverage-feasible Neural Network Approach Chendi Ni et.al. Peter A. Forsyth 2304.05297v1
2023-04-11 Mask-conditioned latent diffusion for generating gastrointestinal polyp images Roman Macháček et.al. Vajira Thambawita 2304.05233v1
2023-04-11 Open Set Classification of GAN-based Image Manipulations via a ViT-based Hybrid Architecture Jun Wang et.al. Mauro Barni 2304.05212v1
2023-04-11 Multi-scale Fusion Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Two-Dimensionaliztion Sequence in Complex Scenarios Weiyang Jin et.al. Weiyang Jin 2304.05198v1
2023-04-11 Modeling and design of heterogeneous hierarchical bioinspired spider web structures using generative deep learning and additive manufacturing Wei Lu et.al. Markus J. Buehler 2304.05137v1
2023-04-11 SPIRiT-Diffusion: Self-Consistency Driven Diffusion Model for Accelerated MRI Zhuo-Xu Cui et.al. Yanjie Zhu 2304.05060v1
2023-04-11 Diffusion Recommender Model Wenjie Wang et.al. Tat-Seng Chua 2304.04971v1 code
2023-04-11 Re-imagine the Negative Prompt Algorithm: Transform 2D Diffusion into 3D, alleviate Janus problem and Beyond Mohammadreza Armandpour et.al. Mingyuan Zhou 2304.04968v1

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Scene Representation

Publish Date Title Authors Lab PDF Code
2023-04-11 MRVM-NeRF: Mask-Based Pretraining for Neural Radiance Fields Ganlin Yang et.al. Dong Liu 2304.04962v1

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Geometry Processing

Publish Date Title Authors Lab PDF Code
2023-04-11 Human-AI Co-Creation Approach to Find Forever Chemicals Replacements Juliana Jansen Ferreira et.al. Dmitry Zubarev 2304.05389v1
2023-04-11 Additive manufacturing of Ni-Mn-Sn shape memory Heusler alloy -- Microstructure and magnetic properties from powder to printed parts Franziska Scheibel et.al. Oliver Gutfleisch 2304.05383v1
2023-04-11 Photon Chiral Memory Effect Stored on Celestial Sphere Azadeh Maleknejad et.al. Azadeh Maleknejad 2304.05381v1
2023-04-11 Einstein-Yang-Mills fields in conformally compact manifolds Levi Lopes de Lima et.al. Levi Lopes de Lima 2304.05373v1
2023-04-11 Diffusion Models for Constrained Domains Nic Fishman et.al. Michael Hutchinson 2304.05364v1

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