
Installing operating system images for Raspberry Pi

This section describes how to use Raspberry Pi Imager to install Raspberry Pi OS for the Pi. Prerequisite configurations to enable SSH on the Pi and connect it to the internect via wifi are included.

  • Install Raspberry Pi Imager on your computer.
  • Connect your SD card to the computer.
  • Open Raspberry Pi Imager and choose Raspberry Pi OS.
  • Choose the SD card you wish to write your image to.
  • Review your selections and click 'WRITE' to begin writing data to the SD card.
  • Navigate to the boot folder of the SD card
    • Create an empty file named ssh.
    • If you want to access to the Pi via wifi and connect it to the internect, create wpa_supplicant.conf, and paste the following into the file (modify ssid and psk accordingly)
      ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
    • Note: This does not support public wifi that requires you to input user name & password. Ethernet connection is required in this case. *
  • Insert the SD card to the Raspberry Pi

The following has been tested to work on Ubuntu 16.04, macOS Mojave and Windows 10 laptop (with Wifi), as well as Windows 10 desktop (no Wifi).

Access the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi 4 has two micro HDMI ports and several USB ports, allowing you to access it with external monitor, keyboard and mouse. The following section introduce two approaches to remote access to the Pi in headless mode: SSH and VNC.

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows you to remote access to the Pi's graphical interface, viewed in a window on another computer. To set up VNC, you need to SSH into the Pi and change some configurations first.

Default Username and Password for the Pi is:

  • username: pi
  • password: raspberry

Upon first login to the Pi, you may be reminded to change the username and password.

Access the Raspberry Pi with SSH

  • Edit network connection only if the Pi is connected to your computer via Ethernet cable and your computer accesses the internet with Wifi:
    • Go to Edit connections....
    • Navigate to IPv4 Settings tab. Select Method: Shared to other computers.
    • Save the connection.
  • SSH the Pi
    • ssh pi@raspberrypi.local or ssh pi@[ip-of-the-Pi]
    • When prompt for password, enter raspberry
    • For first time connection, authenticity warning could appear. Enter yes to continue.
  • You are now logged in and working on the command line from the Pi pi@raspberrypi: ~$.

Access the Raspberry Pi with VNC

  • Enable VNC and change resolution on the Pi:
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Go to Interfacing Options - VNC - enable VNC.
    • Go to Advanced Options - Resolution - change the resolution to another option (otherwise the VNC Viewer cannot show the desktop).
  • Download and install VNC Viwer on your computer.
  • Check IP of the Pi (several approaches):
    • ping raspberrypi.local on your computer.
    • ifconfig on the Pi.
    • From your router page
  • On your computer, run VNC Viewer and enter the IP address in the search bar.
  • You are now able to view the Pi's graphical interface.

Programming on the Raspberry Pi

Python2 and Python3 come with Raspberry Pi OS. Thonny Python IDE (a Python3 development environment) is also pre-installed and is very easy to use.