
Build an AI fitness counter and timer app with our end-to-end demo using QuickPose iOS SDK for Pose Estimation/Detection.

Primary LanguageSwift

FitCount by QuickPose.ai

This project provides the end-to-end demo solution for an AR/AI fitness iOS app. FitCount is based on the QuickPose.ai SDK.

For more explanation of the code in this repository please check our FitCount Guide

How to run the project

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Register for a free SDK key at our Development portal.
  3. Open the project in Xcode.
  4. Add your SDK key to the Workout/QuckPoseBasicView.swift file to this line:
private var quickPose = QuickPose(sdkKey: "YOUR SDK KEY") // register for your free key at https://dev.quickpose.ai
  1. Run the project on your physical device. Note that due to the Apple's limitations, the SDK will not work on the simulator.

Supported features

  • Counting fitness exercises (Squats, Bicep Curls) repetitions based on user's movement.
  • Understand if a user is present on the screen with .inside feature
  • Audio and text feedback and guidance.
  • Instructions before the workout.
  • Local workout history.

Add AI fitness coach to your app using QuickPose.ai SDK

  1. Register for a free SDK key at our Development portal.
  2. Check out our GitHub Repository and Getting Started Guide.