
yet another VICON streamer

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Published topics:

  1. /vicon/<object-name> of type geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.
  2. /vicon/markers of type sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.


  1. vicon_host_name: (required) hostname of Vicon machine.
  2. vicon_object_name: (optional) only the specified object is published.
  3. enable_objects: (default: true) publish objects.
  4. enable_markers: (default: false) publish unlabeled markers. (Note: Object tracking mode must be disabled in Vicon Tracker in order to stream marker data)

Set target C++ standard and required compiler features

must be consistent with libmotioncapture's cmake file

Open CMakeLists.txt

  • on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, add


  • on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,

use the file as is