
Lightweight framework for C# 9.0 Source Generator

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight C#9.0 SourceGenerator Framework.


  • Wrapper of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ISourceGenerator
    • A library for parsing attributes of type declarations in a few steps
    • Provides a constant processing flow, allowing you to focus on implementing the necessary processing


Install from nuget (serach by "SGFramework" )

What code do I need to implement?

Attribute Parser

Implement a parser per attribute with IAttributeArgumentParser.

using SGFramework;
using SGFramework.TypeDeclaration;

namespace Sample
    internal class MyAttributeArgumentParser : IAttributeArgumentParser
        public void ParseAttributeArgument(
            int argumentIndex,
            AttributeArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax,
            SemanticModel semanticModel,
            ExpressionSyntax argumentExpression,
            IDictionary<AttributeParamName, object> result )
            // argumentIndex is index of attribute parameter [My(arg1,arg2)]
            switch( argumentIndex )
                // e.g. [My(100, 200)]
                case 0:
                    result[ arg1 ] = argumentExpression.ToString(); // 100
                case 1:
                    result[ arg2 ] = argumentExpression.ToString(); // 200


Implement a SourceGenerator subclass

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

using SGFramework;
using SGFramework.TypeDeclaration;

namespace Sample
    [Generator] // Must set a  Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Generator attribute
    internal class SampleGenerator : SourceGenerator<TypeDeclarationSyntaxReceiver>
        // if true, launch JIT Debugger
        protected override bool LaunchDebuggerOnInit => false;

        protected override TypeDeclarationSyntaxReceiver CreateReceiver()
            => new( this );

        protected override void SetupAttributeArgumentParser( Dictionary<AttributeTypeName, IAttributeArgumentParser> map )
            // Mapping inplementation of IAttributeArgumentParser with attribute name
            map[ new AttributeTypeName( "MyAttribute" ) ] = new MyAttributeArgumentParser();

        protected override void GenerateAttributeCode( GeneratorExecutionContext context )
            // Mapping Attribute code on memory with GeneratorExecutionContext
            context.AddSource( hintName1, code );
            context.AddSource( hintName2, code );

        protected override string GenerateCode(
            TypeDeclarationSyntax declaration,
            string nameSpace,
            string typeName,
            IDictionary<AttributeTypeName, IDictionary<AttributeParamName, object>> attributeTypeList )
            // Generating your code with T4 etc
            return code;

Reference your generator project from other C# Project

if reference by PrijectReference, write following

        <ProjectReference Include="..\Generator\Generator.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" />

note: attribute ReferenceOutputAssembly value needs true (if set to false,analzer may not work)

Reference your generator (Nuget package) from other C# Project

        <PackageReference Include="Generator" Version="0.0.1" />

Same as nuget package reference.

Implemented by SGFramrwork