Pinned issues
- 15
- 3
- 8
Problems installing `R 4.4.2` on macOS
#950 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 3
test-coverage.yaml should fail on error
#947 opened by Moohan - 3
What is a 'version range'?
#935 opened by MichaelChirico - 1
Saving the cache fails on Windows, on older R
#940 opened by gaborcsardi - 3
setup-r-dependencies - Why not leverage de repo options ? It fails if we want to use this action in a Github Enterprise with our own repository mirroring
#918 opened by marandet - 3
Failed pak installation doesn't report package
#916 opened by JosiahParry - 2
- 2
- 2
Can not download with `setup-r-dependencies` and self-issued certificates
#930 opened by PaulinCharliquart - 1
- 1
Support for `renv` profiles in `setup-r` to retrieve R version from `renv.lock` file
#951 opened by LDSamson - 0
- 5
save-always deprecation warning from actions/cache
#928 opened by Shoeboxam - 2
Warning message in r-set-up dependencies chunk.
#938 opened by Longfei2 - 2
Style modified files in a project (non package)
#933 opened by Moohan - 3
Feature request: add print options
#945 opened by pawelru - 6
Setup "wizard"
#926 opened by hadley - 1
Try to auto-detect that we need tinytex
#913 opened by gaborcsardi - 4
Conditional setting of `R_LIBS_USER`
#912 opened by csoneson - 8
`Rscript` is missing an essential piece of the `PYTHONPATH` on `ubuntu-latest` with Python 3.12
#932 opened by glatterf42 - 4
Repeat request for supporting very old R as an action (possibly separate)
#931 opened by MichaelChirico - 6
- 2
setup-r fails
#925 opened by gdkrmr - 4
- 2
Support for `r-version: renv` when renv.lock is not in the working directory
#921 opened by calderonsamuel - 2
- 2
`setup-r-dependencies` is not caching when using `renv` in a package project
#911 opened by milanmlft - 4
Add support for `manifest.json`
#880 opened by hadley - 4
- 2
Nested quarto action in `setup-r-dependencies@v2` breaks workflow in restricted Organization setup
#901 opened by solmos - 4
- 4
setup-renv@v2 fails with lockfile error
#902 opened by francisbarton - 3
Documentation request: how to create a lockfile to support the render-rmarkdown action
#903 opened by francisbarton - 8
Consider installing quarto by default?
#866 opened by hadley - 3
Remove fixed version numbers from our examples
#885 opened by hadley - 2
Using GITHUB_TOKEN for Pandoc nightly download
#868 opened by cderv - 4
Testthat snapshots not uploading
#871 opened by slager - 4
- 2
`document` workflow could depend on `DESCRIPTION`?
#886 opened by nr0cinu - 2
Specify maximum package version
#882 opened by ms609 - 6
[macOS] udunits library is not found
#877 opened by Enchufa2 - 3
- 6
Feature request: GH Action commit
#894 opened by ldecicco-USGS - 2
Make check-r-package more similar to CRAN
#884 opened by MLopez-Ibanez - 4
Lighter weight dependency installation
#867 opened by hadley - 7
setup-r-dependencies cache failing on container
#881 opened by pascalgulikers - 3
- 4