
:package: Bundle, an embeddable compression library: DEFLATE, LZMA, LZIP, BZIP2, ZPAQ, LZ4, ZSTD, BROTLI, BSC, CSC, BCM, MCM, ZMOLLY, ZLING, TANGELO, SHRINKER, CRUSH, LZJB and SHOCO streams in a ZIP file (C++03)(C++11)

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib

bundle 📦

Bundle is an embeddable compression library that supports 23 compression algorithms and 2 archive formats.

Distributed in two files.


  • Archive support: .bun, .zip
  • Optimized for highest compression ratios on each compressor, where possible.
  • Optimized for fastest decompression times on each decompressor, where possible.
  • Configurable, redistributable, self-contained, amalgamated and cross-platform (C++03).
  • Optional benchmark infrastructure (C++11).
  • ZLIB/LibPNG licensed.

Bundle stream format

[0x00  ...]          Optional zero padding (N bits)
[0x70 0x??]          Header (8 bits). De/compression algorithm (8 bits)
                     enum { RAW, SHOCO, LZ4F, MINIZ, LZIP, LZMA20, ZPAQ, LZ4,      //  0..7
                            BROTLI9, ZSTD, LZMA25, BSC, BROTLI11, SHRINKER, CSC20, //  7..14
                            ZSTDF, BCM, ZLING, MCM, TANGELO, ZMOLLY, CRUSH, LZJB,  // 15..22
                            BZIP2                                                  // 23..
[vle_unpacked_size]  Unpacked size of the stream (N bytes). Data is stored in a variable
                     length encoding value, where bytes are just shifted and added into a
                     big accumulator until MSB is found.
[vle_packed_size]    Packed size of the stream (N bytes). Data is stored in a variable
                     length encoding value, where bytes are just shifted and added into a
                     big accumulator until MSB is found.
[bitstream]          Compressed bitstream (N bytes). As returned by compressor.
                     If possible, header-less bitstreams are preferred.

Bundle .bun archive format

- Files/datas are packed into streams by using any compression method (see above)
- Streams are archived into a standard ZIP file:
  - ZIP entry compression is (0) for packed streams and (1-9) for unpacked streams.
  - ZIP entry comment is a serialized JSON of (file) meta-datas (@todo).
- Note: you can mix streams of different algorithms into the very same ZIP archive.


#include <cassert>
#include "bundle.h"

int main() {
    using namespace bundle;
    using namespace std;

    // 23 mb dataset
    string original( "There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold" );
    for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) original += original + string( i + 1, 32 + i );

    // pack, unpack & verify all encoders
    vector<unsigned> libs { 
        ZPAQ, LZ4, BROTLI9, ZSTD, LZMA25,
    for( auto &lib : libs ) {
        string packed = pack(lib, original);
        string unpacked = unpack(packed);
        cout << original.size() << " -> " << packed.size() << " bytes (" << name_of(lib) << ")" << endl;
        assert( original == unpacked );

    cout << "All ok." << endl;

On choosing compressors (on a regular basis)

Rank Compression ratio Fastest compressors Fastest decompressors Average speed Memory efficiency
1st 91.15% ZPAQ 958.18MB/s RAW 2231.20MB/s RAW 1340.63MB/s RAW tbd
2nd 90.71% MCM 358.41MB/s LZ4F 993.68MB/s LZ4 508.50MB/s LZ4F tbd
3rd 90.02% TANGELO 240.87MB/s SHRINKER 874.83MB/s LZ4F 334.57MB/s SHRINKER tbd
4th 88.31% BSC 223.28MB/s LZJB 547.62MB/s SHRINKER 267.57MB/s LZJB tbd
5th 87.74% LZMA25 210.74MB/s ZSTDF 382.52MB/s MINIZ 246.66MB/s ZSTDF tbd
6th 87.74% LZIP 159.59MB/s SHOCO 380.39MB/s ZSTD 209.32MB/s SHOCO tbd
7th 87.63% BROTLI11 40.19MB/s ZLING 333.76MB/s LZJB 65.40MB/s ZLING tbd
8th 87.50% CSC20 33.67MB/s CRUSH 304.06MB/s SHOCO 60.29MB/s CRUSH tbd
9th 87.15% BCM 13.73MB/s ZSTD 297.34MB/s ZSTDF 26.51MB/s ZSTD tbd
10th 86.44% ZMOLLY 09.00MB/s BSC 287.83MB/s CRUSH 13.44MB/s BZIP2 tbd
11th 86.17% LZMA20 08.51MB/s BZIP2 287.58MB/s BROTLI9 11.51MB/s BROTLI9 tbd
12th 86.05% BROTLI9 06.77MB/s ZMOLLY 246.88MB/s BROTLI11 10.78MB/s BSC tbd
13th 85.27% BZIP2 05.87MB/s BROTLI9 175.54MB/s ZLING 08.13MB/s LZ4 tbd
14th 85.24% ZSTD 05.21MB/s BCM 118.49MB/s LZMA25 07.24MB/s MINIZ tbd
15th 82.89% ZLING 04.08MB/s LZ4 108.71MB/s LZMA20 06.73MB/s ZMOLLY tbd
16th 81.68% MINIZ 03.65MB/s MINIZ 72.72MB/s CSC20 05.27MB/s LZMA20 tbd
17th 77.93% ZSTDF 02.70MB/s LZMA20 57.05MB/s LZIP 04.90MB/s LZMA25 tbd
18th 77.57% LZ4 02.50MB/s LZMA25 31.88MB/s BZIP2 04.83MB/s CSC20 tbd
19th 77.37% CRUSH 02.50MB/s CSC20 13.44MB/s BSC 04.65MB/s BCM tbd
20th 67.30% SHRINKER 02.25MB/s MCM 06.68MB/s ZMOLLY 04.13MB/s LZIP tbd
21th 63.30% LZ4F 02.14MB/s LZIP 04.20MB/s BCM 02.29MB/s MCM tbd
22th 59.37% LZJB 01.15MB/s TANGELO 02.34MB/s MCM 01.17MB/s TANGELO tbd
23th 06.42% SHOCO 00.24MB/s BROTLI11 01.18MB/s TANGELO 00.48MB/s BROTLI11 tbd
24th 00.00% RAW 00.23MB/s ZPAQ 00.21MB/s ZPAQ 00.22MB/s ZPAQ tbd
  • Note: SHOCO is a text compressor intended to be used for plain ascii IDs only.


@mavam has an awesome R script that plots some fancy graphics in his compbench repository. The following CC images are a few of his own showcasing an invocation for a 10,000 packet PCAP trace:

Tradeoff Throughput Scatterplot Compression Ratio

API - data

namespace bundle
  // low level API (raw pointers)
  bool is_packed( *ptr, len );
  bool is_unpacked( *ptr, len );
  unsigned type_of( *ptr, len );
  size_t len( *ptr, len );
  size_t zlen( *ptr, len );
  const void *zptr( *ptr, len );
  bool pack( unsigned Q, *in, len, *out, &zlen );
  bool unpack( unsigned Q, *in, len, *out, &zlen );

  // medium level API, templates (in-place)
  bool is_packed( T );
  bool is_unpacked( T );
  unsigned type_of( T );
  size_t len( T );
  size_t zlen( T );
  const void *zptr( T );
  bool unpack( T &, T );
  bool pack( unsigned Q, T &, T );

  // high level API, templates (copy)
  T pack( unsigned Q, T );
  T unpack( T );

For a complete review check bundle.hpp header

API - archives

namespace bundle
  struct file : map<string,string> { // ~map of properties
    bool    has(property);           // property check
    string &get(property);           // property access
    string  toc() const;             // inspection (json)
  struct archive : vector<file>    { // ~sequence of files
    void   bun(string);              // .bun serialization
    string bun() const;              // .bun serialization
    void   zip(string);              // .zip serialization
    string zip() const;              // .zip serialization
    string toc() const;              // inspection (json)

Build Directives (Licensing)

#define directive Default value Meaning
BUNDLE_NO_APACHE2 (undefined) Define to remove any Apache 2.0 library from build
BUNDLE_NO_BSD2 (undefined) Define to remove any BSD-2 library from build
BUNDLE_NO_BSD3 (undefined) Define to remove any BSD-3 library from build
BUNDLE_NO_CDDL (undefined) Define to remove any CDDL library from build
BUNDLE_NO_GPL (undefined) Define to remove any GPL library from build
BUNDLE_NO_MIT (undefined) Define to remove any MIT library from build
BUNDLE_NO_UNLICENSE (undefined) Define to remove any Public Domain library from build (*)

(*): will disable .bun and .zip archive support as well.

Build Directives (Libraries)

#define directive Default value Meaning
BUNDLE_NO_BCM (undefined) Define to remove BCM library from build
BUNDLE_NO_BROTLI (undefined) Define to remove Brotli library from build
BUNDLE_NO_BSC (undefined) Define to remove LibBsc library from build
BUNDLE_NO_BZIP2 (undefined) Define to remove BZip2 library from build
BUNDLE_NO_CRUSH (undefined) Define to remove CRUSH library from build
BUNDLE_NO_CSC (undefined) Define to remove CSC library from build
BUNDLE_NO_LZ4 (undefined) Define to remove LZ4/LZ4 libraries
BUNDLE_NO_LZIP (undefined) Define to remove EasyLZMA library from build
BUNDLE_NO_LZJB (undefined) Define to remove LZJB library from build
BUNDLE_NO_LZMA (undefined) Define to remove LZMA library from build
BUNDLE_NO_MCM (undefined) Define to remove MCM library from build
BUNDLE_NO_MINIZ (undefined) Define to remove MiniZ library from build (*)
BUNDLE_NO_SHOCO (undefined) Define to remove Shoco library from build
BUNDLE_NO_SHRINKER (undefined) Define to remove Shrinker library from build
BUNDLE_NO_TANGELO (undefined) Define to remove TANGELO library from build
BUNDLE_NO_ZLING (undefined) Define to remove ZLING library from build
BUNDLE_NO_ZMOLLY (undefined) Define to remove ZMOLLY library from build
BUNDLE_NO_ZPAQ (undefined) Define to remove ZPAQ library from build
BUNDLE_NO_ZSTD (undefined) Define to remove ZSTD library from build

(*): will disable .bun and .zip archive support as well.

Build Directives (Other)

#define directive Default value Meaning
BUNDLE_USE_OMP_TIMER (undefined) Define as 1 to use OpenMP timers
BUNDLE_USE_CXX11 (autodetected) Define as 0/1 to disable/enable C++11 features

Licensing table

Software Author(s) License Version Major changes?
bundle r-lyeh ZLIB/LibPNG latest
bcm Ilya Muravyov Public Domain 1.00 istream based now
brotli Jyrki Alakuijala, Zoltan Szabadka Apache 2.0 2015/11/03
bzip2 Julian Seward BSD-4
crush Ilya Muravyov Public Domain 1.00 reentrant fix
csc Siyuan Fu Public Domain 2015/06/16
easylzma Igor Pavlov, Lloyd Hilaiel Public Domain 0.0.7
endian Mathias Panzenböck Public Domain msvc fix
libbsc Ilya Grebnov Apache 2.0 3.1.0
libzling Zhang Li BSD-3 2015/09/16
libzpaq Matt Mahoney Public Domain 7.05
lz4 Yann Collet BSD-2 1.7.1
lzjb Jeff Bonwick CDDL license 2010
mcm Mathieu Chartier GPL 0.84
miniz Rich Geldreich Public Domain v1.15 r.4.1 alignment fix
shoco Christian Schramm MIT 2015/03/16
shrinker Siyuan Fu BSD-3 rev 3
tangelo Matt Mahoney, Jan Ondrus GPL 2.41 reentrant fixes, istream based now
zmolly Zhang Li BSD-3 0.0.1 reentrant and memstream fixes
zstd Yann Collet BSD-2 0.3.2

Evaluated alternatives

FastLZ, FLZP, LibLZF, LZFX, LZHAM, LZLIB, LZO, LZP, SMAZ, Snappy, ZLIB, bzip2, Yappy, CMix, M1

Creating DLLs

cl demo.cc -DBUNDLE_API=BUNDLE_API_IMPORT bundle.lib


  • v2.1.0 (2017/06/10): C API and DLL bindings; Pump up libcsc; Rename .bnd to .bun
  • v2.0.5 (2016/02/06): Bring back BZIP2 support
  • v2.0.4 (2015/12/04): Add padding support; Fix reentrant CRUSH; Optimizations & fixes
  • v2.0.3 (2015/12/02): Add LZJB and CRUSH; Add BUNDLE_NO_CDDL directive
  • v2.0.2 (2015/11/07): Fix ZMolly segmentation fault (OSX)
  • v2.0.1 (2015/11/04): Fix clang warnings and compilation errors
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Add BCM, ZLING, MCM, Tangelo, ZMolly, ZSTDf support
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Change archive format (break change)
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Disambiguate .bnd/.zip archive handling
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Fix compilation errors (C++03)
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Fix missing entries in benchmarks
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Improve runtime C++ de/initialization stability
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Optimize archive decompression
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Remove obsolete enums
  • v2.0.0 (2015/11/03): Upgrade Brotli, ZPAQ, LZ4, ZSTD and Shoco
  • v1.0.2 (2015/10/29): Skip extra copy during archive decompression
  • v1.0.2 (2015/10/29): Add extra archive meta-info
  • v1.0.1 (2015/10/10): Shrink to fit during measures() function
  • v1.0.0 (2015/10/09): Change benchmark API to sort multiples values as well (API break change)
  • v0.9.8 (2015/10/07): Remove confusing bundle::string variant class from API
  • v0.9.7 (2015/10/07): Add license configuration directives
  • v0.9.6 (2015/10/03): Add library configuration directives
  • v0.9.5 (2015/09/28): Add missing prototypes
  • v0.9.5 (2015/09/28): Bugfix helper function
  • v0.9.4 (2015/09/26): Add CSC20 + Shrinker support
  • v0.9.4 (2015/09/26): Rename enums LZ4->LZ4F/LZ4HC->LZ4
  • v0.9.3 (2015/09/25): Add a few missing API calls
  • v0.9.2 (2015/09/22): Pump up Brotli
  • v0.9.2 (2015/09/22): Split BROTLI enum into BROTLI9/11 pair
  • v0.9.1 (2015/05/10): Switch to ZLIB/LibPNG license
  • v0.9.0 (2015/04/08): BSC support
  • v0.8.1 (2015/04/07): Pump up Brotli+ZSTD
  • v0.8.1 (2015/04/07): LZMA20/25 dict
  • v0.8.1 (2015/04/07): Unify FOURCCs
  • v0.8.0 (2015/01/27): ZSTD support
  • v0.8.0 (2015/01/27): Reorder enums
  • v0.8.0 (2015/01/27): Simplify API
  • v0.7.1 (2015/01/26): Fix LZMA
  • v0.7.1 (2015/01/26): Verify DEFLATEs
  • v0.7.1 (2015/01/26): New AUTO enum
  • v0.7.0 (2014/10/22): Brotli support
  • v0.7.0 (2014/10/22): Pump up LZ4
  • v0.6.3 (2014/09/27): Switch to BOOST license
  • v0.6.2 (2014/09/02): Fix 0-byte streams
  • v0.6.2 (2014/09/02): Deflate alignment
  • v0.6.1 (2014/06/30): Safer LZ4 decompression
  • v0.6.1 (2014/06/30): Pump up LZ4 + ZPAQ
  • v0.6.0 (2014/06/26): LZ4HC support
  • v0.6.0 (2014/06/26): Optimize in-place decompression
  • v0.5.0 (2014/06/09): ZPAQ support
  • v0.5.0 (2014/06/09): UBER encoding
  • v0.5.0 (2014/06/09): Fixes
  • v0.4.1 (2014/06/05): Switch to lzmasdk
  • v0.4.0 (2014/05/30): Maximize compression (lzma)
  • v0.3.0 (2014/05/28): Fix alignment (deflate)
  • v0.3.0 (2014/05/28): Change stream header
  • v0.2.1 (2014/05/23): Fix overflow bug
  • v0.2.0 (2014/05/14): Add VLE header
  • v0.2.0 (2014/05/14): Fix vs201x compilation errors
  • v0.1.0 (2014/05/13): Add high-level API
  • v0.1.0 (2014/05/13): Add iOS support
  • v0.0.0 (2014/05/09): Initial commit