- 0
How to merge a CNN with RNN using Autokeras? It seems the Merge() does not support this. I tried merge_type flags as 'concatenate' or 'add' but non of them works. In particular I want to find an optimum model made of a ConvBlock() followed by a RNNBlock().
#22 opened by ashkanmy - 0
How to set CPU numbers to run?
#21 opened by ShixiangWang - 7
Unable to install
#2 opened by reActionHank - 2
Unable to load Autokeras Package in R
#18 opened by Bmoser-boop - 2
Fix for source code
#19 opened by abbottken - 2
ValueError: Unknown layer: IdentityLayer
#15 opened by d-bohn - 6
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : AttributeError: 'TrackableWeightHandler' object has no attribute 'shape'
#16 opened by kmuthusi - 1
dropout rate value for best model
#17 opened by jbwoillard - 10
install error
#4 opened by mrchypark - 1
Support MXNet Backend
#3 opened by harryprince