*ArduSlider ** Arduino: *** API: The arduino expects each api call to consist of a letter (flag), set of numbers and a charige return. Example: B1000/n In Flags: T: Length of session in milliseconds T60000/n S: Sutter speed in milliseconds S1000/n B: Length of time the cammera takes to save the image and clear it's buffer in milliseconds. B3000/n D: Distance of travel for the session in mm D1000/n R: Boolen trigger to start/stop the session. R1/n A: Request a full refresh of all parameters A/n


sendData("T",String(msOfCapture)); sendData("P",String(photo)); sendData("C",String(numPhotos)); sendData("R",String(isRunning)); sendData("S",String(shutterSpeed)); sendData("B",String(bufferClear)); sendData("D",String(mmOfTravel)); sendData("L",String(totalSteps));