
An unoffical odrive can based life cycle node with all the can messages in the ros2 topics

Primary LanguageC++

README for ODrive_CAN ROS2 Package


The odrive_can package serves as a ROS2 interface, streamlining interactions and control mechanisms with the ODrive motor controller through the CAN communication protocol. Incorporating lifecycle management, this node efficiently manages data exchanges and control operations. It offers a range of ROS2 services for control tasks while employing ROS2 publishers for instantaneous data tracking and surveillance. When integrated with a lifecycle manager, this node has the ability to automatically restart if any issues arise.


  • ROS2 Lifecycle management for robust initialization, configuration, and shutdown.
  • Communication with ODrive using the CAN protocol.
  • ROS2 Services for various control actions like rebooting, clearing errors, setting gains, and setting the axis state.
  • ROS2 Publishers for real-time reporting of sensor data like bus voltage, temperature, encoder values, torque, and current (IQ).


  1. ROS2 (Tested on Humble Hawksbill)
  2. ODrive Motor Controller with CAN protocol support


Clone this repository into your ROS2 workspace src/ directory and build using colcon:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
git clone [repository_url] odrive_can
cd ..
colcon build --packages-select odrive_can

Source the workspace:

source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash

How to Use

To launch the ODrive node, execute:

ros2 run odrive_can odrive_can_node

or set up your own composable container look at :


Topics and Services

Topics In (Subscribers)

Topic Name Message Type Description Callback Method
/from_can_bus can_msgs::msg::Frame Receives CAN bus frames odrive_node::can_callback
frame_id_ + "/target" odrive_interfaces::msg::Target Receives target position, velocity, and torque odrive_node::target_callback

Topics Out (Publishers)

Topic Name Message Type Description
frame_id_ + "/bus_voltage" odrive_interfaces::msg::BusVoltage Publishes bus voltage data
/to_can_bus can_msgs::msg::Frame Publishes CAN bus frames
frame_id_ + "/temperature" odrive_interfaces::msg::Temperature Publishes temperature data
frame_id_ + "/sensor" odrive_interfaces::msg::OdriveSensor Publishes sensor data including encoder, iq, and torque


Service Name Service Type Description
frame_id_ + "/reboot" odrive_interfaces::srv::Reboot Reboots the ODrive system
frame_id_ + "/clear_errors" odrive_interfaces::srv::ClearErrors Clears ODrive errors
frame_id_ + "/set_pos_gain" odrive_interfaces::srv::SetPosGain Sets position gains for control loop
frame_id_ + "/set_vel_gains" odrive_interfaces::srv::SetVelGains Sets velocity gains for control loop
frame_id_ + "/set_axis_state" odrive_interfaces::srv::SetAxisState Sets the state for a specific axis


Parameter Name Default Value Description
node_id 0 Node identifier. Used to generate frame_id as "odrive"+node_id
control_mode 0x2 Mode of control
input_mode 0x2 Mode of input
velocity_limit 25.0 Velocity limit
current_limit 10.0 Current limit
traj_vel_limit 25.0 Trajectory velocity limit
traj_accel_limit 25.0 Trajectory acceleration limit
traj_deaccel_limit 25.0 Trajectory deacceleration limit
traj_inertia 25.0 Trajectory inertia
gear_ratio 20.0 Gear ratio

Extended Message Types Information Table

Message Type Direction Description Fields
odrive_interfaces::msg::BusVoltage Outgoing Represents the bus voltage and current information std_msgs/Header header, std_msgs/Float32 bus_volt, std_msgs/Float32 bus_current
odrive_interfaces::msg::Temperature Outgoing Represents the temperature data std_msgs/Header header, std_msgs/Float32 fet_temp, std_msgs/Float32 motor_temp
odrive_interfaces::msg::OdriveSensor Outgoing Includes encoder, iq, and torque data odrive_interfaces/Torque torque, odrive_interfaces/Encoder encoder, odrive_interfaces/Iq iq
can_msgs::msg::Frame Incoming/Outgoing Represents a CAN bus frame Standard CAN fields
odrive_interfaces::msg::Target Incoming Represents target control instructions std_msgs/Header header, std_msgs/Float32 pos_des, std_msgs/Float32 vel_des, std_msgs/Float32 torque_des


  • odrive_interfaces::msg::Encoder

    • std_msgs/Header header
    • std_msgs/Float32 pos
    • std_msgs/Float32 vel
  • odrive_interfaces::msg::Iq

    • std_msgs/Header header
    • std_msgs/Float32 iq_des
    • std_msgs/Float32 iq_est
  • odrive_interfaces::msg::Torque

    • std_msgs/Header header
    • std_msgs/Float32 torque_des
    • std_msgs/Float32 torque_est


  • "Outgoing" means the message is published by this node.
  • "Incoming" means the message is subscribed to by this node.


Contributions are welcome through pull requests. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on the repository.


This package is distributed under MIT License.

This readme was generated by ChatGpt.

Feel free to edit this README to better fit your package's specific functionalities.