
Flatiron Mod 4 Collaborative Project: Cookbooks is a virtual way to share and discover the often times handwritten family cookbooks, recipes, and histories, that are passed down from generation to generation.

Primary LanguageRuby


Welcome to Cookbooks: A way to share family history through recipes!

This app was built in collaboration with Anson Nickel as a way to upload, share, and discover family cookbooks and recipies. The idea came from the thought that most family recipes and cookbooks, especially those which have been around for generations, are often hand written and hard to keep track of. We sought to create a better way to both share one's own cookbooks and recipes, and discover new ones!

Video Demo


Application Features

A user can:

  • log in/create a new account/log out
  • see a list of cookbooks they both own and follow as well as a list of all cookbooks
  • see a list of all recipes
  • follow/unfollow cookbooks
  • create a new cookbook
  • add a new recipe to one of their own cookbooks
  • upload photos of recipies they've tried to a recipe's page
  • edit and delete their own cookbooks and recipes
  • search for recipies in a cookbook either by title or ingredient name
  • leave comments on recipes

Dev Tools

Front End

  • React.js
  • React Router
  • Boostrap
  • Custom CSS

Back End

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • BCrypt
  • JWT
  • Spoonacular API
  • Cloudinary
  • Active Model Seriazliers