
Modbus protocol module for use with the Azure IoT Edge

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Azure IoT Edge Modbus Module Preview

Using this module, developers can build Azure IoT Edge solutions with Modbus TCP/RTU(RTU is currently not available in Windows container) connectivity. The Modbus module is an Azure IoT Edge module, capable of reading data from Modbus devices and publishing data to the Azure IoT Hub via the Edge framework. Developers can modify the module tailoring to any scenario. Alternatively, the module can also be run in standalone mode for debug purpose, which doesn't require IoT Edge framework.

There are prebuilt Modbus TCP module container images ready at microsoft/azureiotedge-modbus-tcp:1.0-preview for you to quickstart the experience of Azure IoT Edge on your target device or simulated device.

Visit http://azure.com/iotdev to learn more about developing applications for Azure IoT.

Azure IoT Edge Compatibility

Current version of the module is targeted for the Azure IoT Edge (second version in public preview).
If you are using v1 version of IoT Edge (previously known as Azure IoT Gateway), please use v1 version of this module, all materials can be found in v1 folder.

Find more information about Azure IoT Edge at here.

Target Device Setup

Platform Compatibility

Azure IoT Edge is designed to be used with a broad range of operating system platforms. Modbus module has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise (version 1709) x64
  • Windows 10 IoT Core (version 1709) x64
  • Linux x64
  • Linux arm32v7

Device Setup

Build Environment Setup

Modbus module is a .NET Core 2.0 application, which is developed and built based on the guidelines in Azure IoT Edge document. Please follow this link to setup the build environment.

Basic requirement:

  • Docker CE
  • .NET Core 2.0 SDK (optional, if you prefer to manually build application on host machine)

HowTo Build

In this section, the Modbus TCP module we be built as an IoT Edge module.

Dockerfiles are located under Docker folder, you should be able to find one for your platform. There are two Dockerfiles in each platform, choose either one for your build preference.

  • "Dockerfile-auto": For multi-stage build, which will build application inside container and generate a target container image.
  • "Dockerfile": This requires you to build applicaiton on host machine and then use this Dockerfile to copy application binary to generate target container image.

Note: Multi-stage build for Linux-arm32 doesn't work at this moment, please do with single-stage build.
Note: Please replace <platform> in below scripts with the actual platform path you are trying to build.

Build as an IoT Edge module

  1. Open "Program.cs" file in src folder.
  2. Confirm IOT_EDGE flag is enabled at first line code.
#define IOT_EDGE

Multi-stage build

Run docker build with the following commands.

$cd iot-edge-modbus/
$docker build -t "modbus:latest" -f Docker/<PlatForm>/Dockerfile-auto .

Single-stage build

Run docker build with the following commands.

$cd iot-edge-modbus/src/
$dotnet restore
$dotnet build
$dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.0 -c Release
$cd ../
$docker build --build-arg EXE_DIR=./src/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/publish -t "modbus:latest" -f Docker/<PlatForm>/Dockerfile .


Before running the module, proper configuration is required. Here is a sample configuration for your reference.

  "PublishInterval": "2000",
  "SlaveConfigs": {
    "Slave01": {
      "SlaveConnection": "",
      "HwId": "PowerMeter-0a:01:01:01:01:01",
      "RetryCount": "10",
      "RetryInterval": "50",
      "Operations": {
        "Op01": {
          "PollingInterval": "1000",
          "UnitId": "1",
          "StartAddress": "400001",
          "Count": "2",
          "DisplayName": "Voltage",
          "CorrelationId": "MessageType1"
        "Op02": {
          "PollingInterval": "1000",
          "UnitId": "1",
          "StartAddress": "400002",
          "Count": "2",
          "DisplayName": "Current",
          "CorrelationId": "MessageType1"
    "Slave02": {
      "SlaveConnection": "ttyS0",
      "HwId": "PowerMeter-0a:01:01:01:01:02",
      "BaudRate": "9600",
      "DataBits": "8",
      "StopBits": "1",
      "Parity": "ODD",
      "FlowControl": "NONE",
      "Operations": {
        "Op01": {
          "PollingInterval": "2000",
          "UnitId": "1",
          "StartAddress": "40001",
          "Count": "1",
          "DisplayName": "Power"
        "Op02": {
          "PollingInterval": "2000",
          "UnitId": "1",
          "StartAddress": "40003",
          "Count": "1",
          "DisplayName": "Status"

Meaning of each field:

  • "PublishInterval" - Interval between each push to IoT Hub in millisecond
  • "SlaveConfigs" - Contains one or more Modbus slaves' configuration. In this sample, we have "Slave01" and "Slave02" two devices:
    • "Slave01", "Slave02" - User defined names for each Modbus slave, cannot have duplicates under "SlaveConfigs".
    • "SlaveConnection" - Ipv4 address or the serial port name of the Modbus slave
    • "RetryCount" - Max retry attempt for reading data, default to 10
    • "RetryInterval" - Retry interval between each retry attempt, default to 50 milliseconds
    • "HwId" - Unique Id for each Modbus slave (user defined)
    • "BaudRate" - Serial port communication parameter. (valid values: ...9600, 14400,19200...)
    • "DataBits" - Serial port communication parameter. (valid values: 7, 8)
    • "StopBits" - Serial port communication parameter. (valid values: 1, 1.5, 2)
    • "Parity" - Serial port communication parameter. (valid values: ODD, EVEN, NONE)
    • "FlowControl" - Serial port communication parameter. (valid values: ONLY support NONE now)
    • "Operations" - Contains one or more Modbus read requests. In this sample, we have "Op01" and "Op02" two read requests in both Slave01 and Slave02:
      • "Op01", "Op02" - User defined names for each read request, cannot have duplicates under the same "Operations" section.
      • "PollingInterval": Interval between each read request in millisecond
      • "UnitId" - The unit id to be read
      • "StartAddress" - The starting address of Modbus read request, currently supports both 5-digit and 6-digit format
      • "Count" - Number of registers/bits to be read
      • "DisplayName" - Alternative name for the "StartAddress" register(s)(user defined)
      • "CorrelationId" - The Operations with same id with be grouped together in their output message

For more about Modbus, please refer to the Wiki link.

Module Endpoints and Routing

There are two endpoints defined in Modbus TCP module:

  • "modbusOutput": This is a output endpoint for telemetries. All read operations defined in configuration will be composed as telemetry messages output to this endpoint.
  • "input1": This is an input endpoint for write commands.

Input/Output message format and Routing rules are introduced below.

Read from Modbus

Telemetry Message

Message Properties:

"content-type": "application/edge-modbus-json"

Message Payload:

      "PublishTimestamp": "2018-04-17 12:28:53",
      "Content": [
          "HwId": "PowerMeter-0a:01:01:01:01:02",
          "Data": [
              "CorrelationId": "MessageType1",
              "SourceTimestamp": "2018-04-17 12:28:48",
              "Values": [
                  "DisplayName": "Op02",
                  "Address": "40003",
                  "Value": "2785"
                  "DisplayName": "Op02",
                  "Address": "40004",
                  "Value": "18529"
                  "DisplayName": "Op01",
                  "Address": "40001",
                  "Value": "1840"
                  "DisplayName": "Op01",
                  "Address": "40002",
                  "Value": "31497"
              "CorrelationId": "MessageType1",
              "SourceTimestamp": "2018-04-17 12:28:50",
              "Values": [
                  "DisplayName": "Op02",
                  "Address": "40003",
                  "Value": "21578"
                  "DisplayName": "Op02",
                  "Address": "40004",
                  "Value": "26979"
                  "DisplayName": "Op01",
                  "Address": "40001",
                  "Value": "13210"
                  "DisplayName": "Op01",
                  "Address": "40002",
                  "Value": "13549"

Route to IoT Hub

  "routes": {
    "modbusToIoTHub":"FROM /messages/modules/modbus/outputs/modbusOutput INTO $upstream"

Route to other (filter) modules

  "routes": {
    "modbusToFilter":"FROM /messages/modules/modbus/outputs/modbusOutput INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\"/modules/filtermodule/inputs/input1\")"

Write to Modbus

Modbus module use input endpoint "input1" to receive commands. Currently it supports writing back to a single register/cell in a Modbus slave.

Command Message

The content of command must be the following message format.

Message Properties:

"command-type": "ModbusWrite"

Message Payload:


Route from other (filter) modules

The command should have a property "command-type" with value "ModbusWrite". Also, routing must be enabled by specifying rule like below.

  "routes": {
    "filterToModbus":"FROM /messages/modules/filtermodule/outputs/output1 INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\"/modules/modbus/inputs/input1\")"

HowTo Run

Run as an IoT Edge module

Please follow the link to deploy the module as an IoT Edge module.

Configure Modbus RTU

This is for Modbus RTU only, Modbus TCP could skip this section.

In the Container Create Option section, enter the following for device mapping.

  "HostConfig": {
    "Devices": [
        "PathOnHost": "<device name on host machine>",
        "PathInContainer": "<device name in container>",
        "CgroupPermissions": "rwm"

Debug from Visual Studio 2017

Running debug mode requires IoT device connection string being inserted as a environment variable named EdgeHubConnectionString, and a local configuration file "iot-edge-modbus.json" since module twin is not available under debug mode. You can copy "iot-edge-modbus.json" template from project root directory to working directory and modify the content to fit your test case.

Note: running in debug mode means none of the IoT Edge features is available. This mode is only to debug non edge-related functions.

  1. Open "iot-edge-modbus.csproj" with Visual Studio 2017.
  2. Open "Program.cs" file in src folder.
  3. Confirm IOT_EDGE flag is disabled at first line code.
// #define IOT_EDGE
  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to build project.
  2. Go to Project and select iot-edge-modbus Properties...
  3. Switch to Debug tab.
  4. Add Environment variables with Name = "EdgeHubConnectionString", and Value = "<your IoT device connection string>". The connection string can be found from Azure Portal.
  5. Press F5 to run project.