- 2
- 4
Request body received as empty string in POST request (sinatra 4, rack 3)
#345 opened by abrokenjester - 13
Encoding error with binary files
#308 opened by vakuum - 4
Vulnerability scan shows rack-test is bringing in a vulnerable version of rack
#340 opened by mmarinova-mm - 2
- 1
Is `Rack::Test::UploadedFile` supposed to be used with StringIO instead of real files?
#336 opened by g-pavlik - 3
- 2
Preferred way to set :domain option on cookie jar while setting a cookie using []=?
#332 opened by lillieatwork - 3
something amiss with release tags
#328 opened by stevecrozz - 2
Request#[] is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Rack. Please use request.params[] instead
#327 opened by m-o-e - 1
Cannot set CONTENT_TYPE at Rack::MockRequest.env_for
#326 opened by wuarmin - 1
Resolving dependencies for published CVE's
#325 opened by sameerchachiya - 3
Rack::Test::UploadedFile#test_0007_finalizes on garbage collection fails on sparc
#323 opened by matoro - 2
ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature error while uploading file in RSpec Tests
#321 opened by davidconqueror - 4
- 4
- 1
Сan`t pass cookies
#312 opened by grozwalker - 4
utils.rb#build_primitive_part: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
#311 opened by rocket-turtle - 3
uploaded_file.rb#append_to: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
#309 opened by rocket-turtle - 1
clarify that minitest is used for testing
#310 opened by rocket-turtle - 5
- 13
Issues with hidden field + file field
#301 opened by bjeanes - 2
- 2
- 12
Support for chunked encoding? (HTTP/1.1 streaming)
#274 opened by jarthod - 4
The road towards 2.0
#225 opened by perlun - 2
Multipart file upload test broken
#261 opened by johnwu96822 - 30
Are headers case sensitive?
#229 opened by ioquatix - 3
Wrong method used when following redirect
#252 opened by kamaradclimber - 7
- 2
Test app with Server
#255 opened by erwanlr - 4
Test suite broken by Rack 2.2.0+
#260 opened by voxik - 2
Tests failing to set headers after Rack 2.0.0
#263 opened by Spanner41 - 1
Running Tests in docker-compose
#264 opened by nicholasrobertm - 1
support for UTF8 in urls
#266 opened by jtannas - 7
- 8
- 1
support fragment params
#265 opened by HoneyryderChuck - 25
Suggestion: finding new maintainers
#256 opened by junaruga - 3
Closing ticket automatically could be improved
#253 opened by junaruga - 1
Upgrade Rake to 13?
#249 opened by ekremkaraca - 3
- 6
- 4
How do you set default_host?
#239 opened by ioquatix - 8
digest_authorize fails
#234 opened by ShikherVerma - 5
Relative redirect is not followed correctly
#228 opened by ioquatix - 3
Possible bug with sessions in follow_redirect!
#231 opened by scottolsen - 1
Set up simplecov to track coverage
#222 opened by perlun - 1
- 0
Cannot set URL parameters for DELETE method
#219 opened by tpltn