- 1
allow global force_lowercase setting
#108 opened by valentijnscholten - 0
Rendering error of documentation
#147 opened by frlan - 0
- 6
Tags are not has any order...
#155 opened by jedie - 2
- 2
- 4
Autocomplete broken on Django 4
#164 opened by chrisdevilliers - 2
Ist this project dead?
#178 opened by jedie - 0
- 2
Django 4.2 python 3.12 tagsfield remain empty
#177 opened by engrimran7 - 1
documentation html title refers to django-fastview
#175 opened by minusf - 1
It's hard to contribute code :(
#168 opened by jedie - 4
Select2 initialiser broken with Django 4.1
#179 opened by jedie - 0
Django 5.1 support
#184 opened by radiac - 2
Strange behavior while editing existing tags
#148 opened by BoPeng - 1
running pytest failed
#165 opened by jedie - 0
Newbie question about paths/views
#172 opened by macumhail - 0
- 5
- 3
Remove dependency on jquery
#163 opened by BoPeng - 0
Is it possible to add a tag creator?
#162 opened by riquedev - 1
- 0
tagulous select2 <-> jquery.dirty
#156 opened by jedie - 1
AdminTagWidget does not support inverted color schema
#125 opened by frlan - 3
Performance implication due to pickling related objects
#143 opened by nsaje - 0
Duplicate slug incrementing error
#152 opened by radiac - 4
pickling error: attribute lookup CastTaggedQuerySet on tagulous.models.tagged failed
#142 opened by valentijnscholten - 0
Customize select2 language option
#150 opened by bernhardmiller - 9
- 0
Django 3.2: "Auto-created primary key" warning
#145 opened by jedie - 4
- 4
AttributeError due to circular imports
#124 opened by anmull - 2
support for django rest framework
#111 opened by valentijnscholten - 0
Support for finding similarly tagged objects?
#115 opened by MaZZly - 2
CastTaggedQuerySet.get_or_create is incompatible with update_or_create in Django
#135 opened by mnieber - 6
PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'tagulous.models.descriptors.TagRelatedManager'>
#109 opened by valentijnscholten - 5
Small hardcoded style="width: 157px;" ?!?
#133 opened by jedie - 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
changelog autdated and supported Django version
#112 opened by jedie - 0
- 0
Loading TagField from fixtures broken in Django 3.2
#127 opened by PipGrylls - 1
Support for full text auto complete
#114 opened by dany-nonstop - 13
Extra parameter to autocomplete view
#119 opened by BoPeng - 1
Space key creates a new tag
#122 opened by BoPeng - 1
How to call select2 explicitly?
#121 opened by BoPeng - 1
root-specific css
#118 opened by BoPeng - 4
Feature request: commands to merge/move tags?
#117 opened by BoPeng - 2
fixture: AttributeError: 'ManyToManyRel' object has no attribute 'contribute_to_class'
#110 opened by valentijnscholten