- 0
Dockerfile improvements
#20 opened by connor642 - 0
Dockerfile username/password env variable
#21 opened by connor642 - 0
Add DELETE endpoint
#18 opened by willllhallll - 1
Add image POST endpoint with Basic HTTP Auth
#15 opened by willllhallll - 1
- 1
Add ingest folder.
#2 opened by willllhallll - 1
Add file extension.
#9 opened by willllhallll - 1
Migrate all media to the new server.
#8 opened by willllhallll - 0
Shorten cache-control header max time
#10 opened by willllhallll - 1
DISCOGS returns GIF, breaks JPG writing.
#7 opened by willllhallll - 0
#1 opened by willllhallll - 1
#3 opened by willllhallll - 0
#4 opened by willllhallll - 0
#6 opened by willllhallll - 0
#5 opened by willllhallll