
Personal training with moveit

Primary LanguageC++

MoveIt tutorial

This is my personal version of the MoveIt tutorial available here.

Motion planning problem part movet interface class classes used
Robot description srdf rdf_loader::RDFLoader and setup assistant
Workspace modelling, representation and collision detection PlanningSceneMonitor and PlanningScene tf2_ros::Buffer, occupancy_map_monitor::OccupancyMapMonitor, moveit::RobotModel, collision_detection::CollisionPluginLoader
Robot model, state and kinematics robot_model::RobotModel, robot_state::RobotState JointModelGroup, Eigen::Isometry3d, robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoader
Motion planning problem defintion and solver interface planning_pipeline::PlanningPipelie PlanningContext, PlannerManager, PlanningRequestAdapter,PlanningRequestAdapterChain
Motion control TrajectoryExecutionManager moveit_controller_manager::MoveItControllerManager and its derivaties as MoveItSimpleControllerManager

Tutorial structure

  • /00_rsdf_and_setup_assistant brief tutorial about using the MoveIt setup assistant. This procedure will generate the necesary files to describe the robot and its default workspace.
  • /01_robot_model_and_kinematics how do the robot model and the robot state works. Here we will learn how the direc kinematics is computed. We will use the following classes
    • robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoader
    • robot_model::RobotModel
    • robot_state::RobotState
    • moveit::core::JointModelGroup
  • /02_planning_scene How to use the planning scene to perform the collision detection task. We will use the following classes
    • planning_scene::PlanningScene
    • planning_scene::PlanningSceneMonitor
    • moveit_msgs::CollisionObject
    • moveit_msgs::AttachedCollisionObject
    • shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive
    • collision_detection::CollisionRequest
    • collision_detection::CollisionResult
  • /03_planning_contex_and_planner_manger How to plan paths using the OMPL. We will use the following classes
    • planning_interface::PlannerManager This class is a plugin
    • planning_interface::PlanningContext
    • planning_interface::MotionPlanReques
    • planning_interface::MotionPlanResult
    • moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory and robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory
  • /04_planning_pipeline How to plan motions (paths and trajectories). We will use the following classes
    • planning_pipeline::PlanningPipeline
  • /common_packages packages used across the tutorial
  • /docker docker files to build the image to run this tutorial.