
This repo is test bed for solving the following problem:

Given a ROS project, with several packages, it is required to generate the binary deb pacakges of a given subset of packages.

The motiviation is to avoid share important code.


A .deb file is an ar file that contains folders and file in the same way a .zip does.

The .deb packages contain a collection of folders that mimics a typical Linux file system, such as /usr, /usr/bin, /opt and so on. A file put in one of those directories will be copied to the same location in the actual file system during installation.

All deb packages files follow a specific naming convention:


For example, suppose you want to release your program called hello, version 1.0, built for 64-bit ARM processors. Your deb file name would look something like


Making the deb package

We are now ready to generate the package. Make sure you have the dpkg-deb program installed in your system: this will be used later on to generate the final archive.

  1. Create the working directory:
  2. Create the internal folder structure with a DEBIAN in the workin directory.
  3. Then copy the desired binaries to the corresponding places in the working directory folder structure.
  4. Create the control file

And then create the empty control file:

touch helloworld_1.0-1_arm64/DEBIAN/control

  1. Fill in the control file

Open the file previously created with your text editor of choice. The control file is just a list of data fields. For binary packages there is a minimum set of mandatory ones:

Mandatory Field Meaning
Package the name of your program
Version the versionof your program
Architecture the target architecture
Maintainer the name and the email address of the person in charge of the package maintenance
Description a brief description of the program

The control file may contain additional useful fields such as the section it belongs to or the dependency list.

Example fo the pacage ros-indigo-evarobot-state-publisher

Package: ros-indigo-evarobot-state-publisher
Version: 0.0.6-1trusty-20190604-194528-0800
Architecture: i386
Maintainer: Mehmet Akcakoca <>
Installed-Size: 145
Depends: libboost-system1.54.0, libc6 (>= 2.1.3), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), ros-indigo-evarobot-description, ros-indigo-joint-state-publisher, ros-indigo-nav-msgs, ros-indigo-robot-state-publisher, ros-indigo-roscpp, ros-indigo-rospy, ros-indigo-tf
Section: misc
Priority: extra
Description: evarobot_state_publisher provides tf information of Evarobot links.
  1. Build the deb package

This is done with dpkg-deb

dpkg-deb --build --root-owner-group <package-dir>

Remark The flag --root-owner-group is necessary. I will make package content owned by the root user and root group. Without such flag, all files and folders would be owned by your user, which might not exist in the system the deb package would be installed to.

Taking care of external dependencies

You can automatically generate dependencies for a binary wile using dpkg-shlibdeps. This co will look for symbols in the binary file and find its dependencies.

dpkg-shlibdeps -O path/to/binary/file

The -O flag will print dependencies on the standard output.

Four files: postinst, preinst, postrm, and prerm are called maintainer scripts. Such files live inside the DEBIAN directory and, as their names suggest, preinst and postinst are run before and after installation, while prerm and postrm are run before and after removal. They must be marked as executables. Also, remember to set permissions: must be between 0555 and 0775

rosdep YAML format

See here.

  • ROSDEP_NAME is the name referred to by manifest files. Examples: log4cxx or gtest.

  • OS_NAME is the name of an OS. Examples: ubuntu, osx, fedora, debian, openembedded, or windows.

  • OS_VERSION (optional) is the name of specific versions in the OS. Examples: lucid or squeeze. If no OS_VERSION is specified, the rule is assumed to apply to all versions.

  • PACKAGE_MANAGER is a key to select which package manager to use for this rosdep. Examples: apt, pip.

  • PACKAGE_ARGUMEN is free-form YAML that is be passed to the handler for the specified PACKAGE_MANAGE.


                packages: [libgsl, vim]
  • rosdep resolve [pacakge_name]
  • rosdep keys <stacks-and-packages> list the rosdep keys that the packages depend on


To do this with a ROS package see here and here and here