
Use image_transport

Primary LanguageC++


A ROS2 driver for Orbbec 3D cameras

Install dependencies


● Please refer to the official ROS 2 installation guide

other dependencies

● Install dependencies (be careful with your ROS distribution)

 Assuming you have sourced the ros environment, same below
sudo apt install libgflags-dev  ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-geometry ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager\
ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-transport ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-publisher libgoogle-glog-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libeigen3-dev

● Install libuvc

git clone https://github.com/libuvc/libuvc.git
cd libuvc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # Refreshing the link library

Getting Started

Use cases

● Create a new ros2 workspace

mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src

● Extract and copy openNISDk_ROS2_xxx.tar.gz to ~/ros2_ws/src/ ● Install libusb rules

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ros2_astra_camera/astra_camera/scripts
sudo bash install.sh
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

● Compiling

 cd ~/ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash 
colcon build --event-handlers  console_direct+  --cmake-args  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Starting the camera

● In terminal 1

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash 
source ./install/setup.bash 
ros2 launch astra_camera astra.launch.xml

● In terminal 2

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash 
source ./install/setup.bash 

● List topics / services/ parameters (open a new terminal)

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash 
ros2 topic list
ros2 service list 
ros2 param list

Select the topic you want to display

● Get camera parameters

ros2 service call /camera/get_camera_info astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetCameraInfo '{}'

● Check camera parameters, please refer to the ROS documentation for the meaning of the specific fields of the camera parameters camera info

ros2 topic echo /camera/depth/camera_info
ros2 topic echo /camera/color/camera_info

● Check device information

ros2 service call /camera/get_device_info astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetDeviceInfo '{}'

● Get the SDK version

ros2 service call /camera/get_sdk_version  astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetString "{}"

● Set/get (auto) exposure

 # Auto exposure switch. For setting the exposure manually, please turn off the auto exposure first
 ros2 service call /camera/set_color_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}' 
 ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
 ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: false}"
# Setting exposure values
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
 # Get exposure
 ros2 service call /camera/get_ir_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"
 ros2 service call /camera/get_color_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"
 ros2 service call /camera/get_uvc_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"

● Set/get gain

# Get Gain
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # OpenNI camera
ros2 service call /camera/get_ir_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # OpenNI camera
ros2 service call /camera/get_uvc_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}" # UVC camera
 # Setting the gain
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"

● Set mirror mode

ros2 service call /camera/set_color_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_depth_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_color_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'

● Set/get (auto) white balance

ros2 service call /camera/get_color_auto_white_balance astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # Return 0 or 1
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_auto_white_balance std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'

● Turn on/off laser

ros2 service call /camera/set_laser_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}' # Turn on
ros2 service call /camera/set_laser_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}' #Turn off

● Turn on/off fan

 ros2 service call /camera/set_fan_mode std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}' #Turn on
 ros2 service call /camera/set_fan_mode std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}' # Turn off

● Turn LDP on/off

ros2 service call /camera/set_ldp_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_ldp_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'

● Turn sensors on/off

ros2 service call  /camera/toggle_ir std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call  /camera/toggle_color std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call  /camera/toggle_depth std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_uvc_camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data : true}"


● First, get the serial number of the camera, plug in the camera and run

ros2 run astra_camera list_devices_node

● Set the parameter device_num to the number of cameras

● Go to the ros2_astra_camera/launch/multi_xxx.launch and change the serial number. Currently, different cameras can only be distinguished by the serial number,

    <!-- unique camera name-->
    <arg name="camera_name" default="camera"/>
    <!-- Hardware depth registration -->
    <arg name="3d_sensor" default="astra"/>
    <!-- stereo_s_u3, astrapro, astra -->
    <arg name="camera1_prefix" default="01"/>
    <arg name="camera2_prefix" default="02"/>
    <arg name="camera1_serila_number" default="ADA611300CE"/>
    <arg name="camera2_serila_number" default="sn123456789"/>
    <arg name="device_num" default="2"/>
    <node name="camera" pkg="astra_camera" type="cleanup_shm_node" output="screen"/>
    <include file="$(find-pkg-share astra_camera)/launch/$(arg 3d_sensor).launch.xml">
        <arg name="camera_name" value="$(var camera_name)_$(var camera1_prefix)"/>
        <arg name="serial_number" value="$(var camera1_serila_number)"/>
        <arg name="device_num" value="$(var device_num)"/>

    <include file="$(ind-pkg-share astra_camera)/launch/$(var 3d_sensor).launch.xml">
        <arg name="camera_name" value="$(var camera_name)_$(var camera2_prefix)"/>
        <arg name="serial_number" value="$(var camera2_serila_number)"/>
        <arg name="device_num" value="$(var device_num)"/>
    <node pkg="tf2_ros" exec="static_transform_publisher" name="camera_tf"
          args="0 0 0 0 0 0 camera01_link camera02_link"/>
  • astra camera will use semaphore to do process synchronization, if the camera start fails, the semaphore file may be left in the /dev/shm, causing the next start to be stuck. Before launch, please run
ros2 run astra_camera cleanup_shm_node 

to clean up /dev/shm/.

  • Launch
ros2 launch astra_camera multi_astra.launch.xml

Use calibration camera parameter

  • Set camera info url, Go to xxx.launch
    <arg name="ir_info_url" default="file:///you_ir_camera_calib_path/depth_camera.yaml"/>
    <arg name="color_info_url" default="file:///you_depth_camera_calib_path/rgb_camera.yaml"/>
  • Calibration file should be like

Be careful the camera name The color camera is rgb_camera, the depth/IR camera name is ir_camera

image_width: 640
image_height: 480
# The camera name is fixed. The color camera is rgb_camera, the depth/IR camera name is ir_camera
camera_name: rgb_camera
  rows: 3
  cols: 3
  data: [517.301, 0, 326.785, 0, 519.291, 244.563, 0, 0, 1]
distortion_model: plumb_bob
  rows: 1
  cols: 5
  data: [-0.41527, 0.31874, -0.00197, 0.00071, 0]
  rows: 3
  cols: 3
  data: [0.999973, 0.00612598, -0.00406652, -0.00610201, 0.999964, 0.00588094, 0.0041024, -0.00585596, 0.999974 ]
  rows: 3
  cols: 4
  data: [517.301, 0, 326.785, -25.3167, 0, 519.291, 244.563, 0.282065, 0, 0, 1, 0.0777703]

Launch parameters

  • connection_delay, The delay time for reopening the device in seconds. Some devices would take longer time to initialize, such as Astra mini, so reopening the device immediately would causes firmware crashes when hot plug.

  • enable_point_cloud, Whether to enable point cloud.

  • enable_colored_point_cloud, Whether to enable RGB point cloud.

  • point_cloud_qos, [color|depth|ir]_qos,[color|depth|ir]_camera_info_qos, ROS2 Message QoS, can be set to SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DEFAULT,PARAMETER_EVENTS ,SERVICES_DEFAULT, PARAMETERS, SENSOR_DATA, corresponds to rmw_qos_profile_system_default, rmw_qos_profile_default, rmw_qos_profile_parameter_events rmw_qos_profile_services_default,rmw_qos_profile_parameters, SENSOR_DATA,Case-insensitive.

  • enable_d2c_viewer, Publish D2C overlay image (For Test only).

  • device_num,The number of devices, You need to fill in the number of devices when you need multiple cameras.

  • color_widthcolor_heightcolor_fps, color stream resolution and frame rate.

  • ir_widthir_heightir_fps,IR stream resolution and frame rate

  • depth_widthdepth_heightdepth_fps depth stream resolution and frame rate

  • enable_color, Whether to enable RGB camera, this parameter has no effect when the RGB camera is UVC protocol

  • enable_depth , Whether to enable depth camera

  • enable_ir, Whether to enable IR camera

  • depth_registration, Enables hardware depth to color alignment, requires RGB point cloud to open

  • depth_scale, Depth image zoom scale, e.g. set to 2 means aligning depth 320x240 to RGB 640x480

  • color_roi_xcolor_roi_ycolor_roi_widthcolor_roi_height, Whether to crop RGB images, the default is -1, which is only used when the RGB resolution is greater than the depth resolution and needs to be aligned. For example, if you need to align the depth 640x400 to RGB 640x480, you need to set color_roi_x: 0, color_roi_y: 0, color_roi_width: 640, color_roi_height: 400. roi_height: 400, which will crop the top 400 pixels of the RGB with a corresponding depth ROI.

  • color_depth_synchronization,Enable synchronization of RGB with depth

  • use_uvc_camera,if the RGB camera is UVC protocol, setting as true, UVC is the protocol that currently includes dabai, dabai_dcw etc.

  • uvc_product_id,pid of UVC camera

  • uvc_camera_format,Image format for uvc camera

  • uvc_retry_count sometimes the UVC protocol camera does not reconnect successfully when hot-plug, requiring many times to retry.

  • enable_publish_extrinsic Enable publish camera extrinsic.

  • oni_log_level, Log levels for OpenNI verbose/ info /warning/ error /none

  • oni_log_to_console, Whether to output OpenNI logs to the console

  • oni_log_to_file, Whether to output OpenNI logs to a file, by default it will save in Log folder under the path of the currently running program

DDS Tuning

The default DDS settings (Galactic) may not be efficient for data transmission. Different DDS settings will have different performance. Here we take CycloneDDS as an example. For detailed information, please refer toROS DDS Tuning

● Edit cyclonedds configuration file

sudo gedit /etc/cyclonedds/config.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CycloneDDS xmlns="https://cdds.io/config" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <Domain id="any">
                <Peer address="localhost"/>

● Set the environment variables, add to .zshrc or .bashrc

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42 # Numbers from 0 to 232
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///etc/cyclonedds/config.xml

Tip:to understand why the maximum ROS_DOMAIN_ID is 232, please visit The ROS DOMAIN ID ● Increase UDP receive buffer size Edit




Frequently Asked Questions

● No point cloud or image displayed on Rviz2

  • The default QoS for outgoing messages is sense_data, i.e. Relaiblity Policy = Best Effort, please check if the Relaiblity Policy is set to Best Effort on Rviz2, and also check if there is any problem with the QoS setting of the message via ros2 topic info -v /xxx/topic

● No picture from multiple cameras

  • It is possible that the power supply is insufficient, do not connect all cameras to the same hub, and a powered hub is recommended

  • It is also possible that the resolution is too high, try turning it lower

  • If the color camera is an UVC camera, the serial number of the UVC may not be set


Copyright 2023 Orbbec Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others