
Automate playing a grandfather clock's chimes using a raspberry pi and some stepper motors.

MIT LicenseMIT

Weasley Chimes

Automate playing a grandfather clock's chimes using a raspberry pi and some stepper motors.

This is part of my ongoing project to build a working Weasley Clock. That project is now feature complete (notice I didn't say "done") and installed in my home.

I plan to enhance to clock by re-installing the Westminster chimes that came with the grandfather clock I used to house my Weasley Clock.

I'm keeping a running Build Log to augment the resources in this README.


The grandmother/grandfather clock came with a set of chimes. I plan to integrate them once I have the clock mechanism finished. I found an example implementation.

Hardware Mounting Ideas

Possibly drive with existing chime timing with a stepper motor. Possible hardware for attaching a motor to the existing chime mechanism.