The class is organized around eight units. Class material associated with each unit is contained in the google slide decks listed below.
- Lecture 1: Voltage, current, power, sign conventions
- Lecture 2: Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's current and voltage laws
- Lecture 3: Diodes and LEDs
- Lecture 4: Microcontrollers, Arduino, Basic C
- Lecture 5: Digital number system, HEX, C data types
- Lecture 6: Arduino programming, finite state machines (FSM), pull-up/pull-down resistors
- Lecture 7: Resistor networks, voltage & current division
- Lecture 8: Source transformations, Thevenin equivalence, maximum power transfer
- Lecture 9: Batteries
- Lecture 10: Node voltage and supernodes
- Lecture 11: R-2R ladders, digital-to-analog conversion (DAC)
- Lecture 12: Inductors and Capcitors)
- Lecture 13: Transient response of first order circuits
- Lecture 14: Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)
- Lecture 15: PWM. DAC on Arduino, Measuring Capacitance
- Lecture 16: Operational amplifiers
- Lecture 17: Operational amplifiers and photo diodes
- Lecture 18: Transistors (MOSFETs)
- Lecture 19: Op Amps and transistors for high power applications
- Lecture 20: DC motors, interfacing DC motors to Arduino
- Lecture 21: H-bridge control of DC motors, Servo motors
- Lecture 22: 3D printing
- Lecture 23: PCB Design
- Lecture 24: Sensors
- Lecture 25: Serial interfaces: I2C, SPI, UART, USB
- Lecture 26: Interfacing sensors to Arduino