Routing Information Protocol Java Application


  • Basic Information about Routing Information Protocol (RIP)?
    • Finding the least cost path between two nodes
    • Implemented using Bellman-Ford's Algorithm
    • Used in ARPAnet
    • Distributed network

Protocol Framework

  • Initial State at a node:
    • Cost (distance) to its neighbors is known
  • Final State at a node:
    • Cost to all the nodes is known, and also the next hop
  • Need to handle
    • What information to exchange?
      • Each Node exchanges its routing table information only with it's neighbors
      • Destination and Estimated cost to destination
      • Next hop information is NOT shared
      • HINT: use only destination and cost to send out the message
    • How to act on message?
      • Update cost based on the bellman-ford's algorithm and change next hop accordingly
    • When to send a message?
      • Triggered Updates: Sent whenever there's a change in the routing table
        • Link/Node failure or cost increase
      • Periodic updates:
  • Each Node maintains its state through routing table (distance-vector)
  • Look at the below sample table
Destination Estimated Cost to Destination Next Hop Via to Reach Destination
A 1 A
B 2 E
C 3 F
  • After few message passing,
    • Nodes reach to a convergence, if there is no change in topology
    • After one message exchange, each node knows about nodes two hops away
    • After two message exchange, each node knows about nodes three hops away
    • so..on
    • Basically, converge will be reached in an at most (V-1) times. where V: Nodes in the network (based on BF algorithm)
  • No node has GLOBAL knowledge
  • Fully distributed algorithm

Bellman-Ford's Algorithm code

  • How are node/link failures detected?
    • Didn't receive periodic updates
    • Can also actively probe (probe-ack)
  • Every path has a puddle (Counting to Infinity)
    • Solutions
      • Make infinity "small"
      • Split horizon
      • Split horizon with poison reverse
      • Split horizon without poison reverse
      • Hold-down timer
