FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars when calculating t test
jankaWIS opened this issue · 1 comments
jankaWIS commented
I'm encountering an issue when performing a t-test with pingouin. The problem is that in some cases, the Bayes factors cannot be computed and the code crashes, which is not very useful. Would it be possible to somehow just return a warning or nan
or something that these could not be calculated instead? I'm attaching the code together with what scipy returns.
import scipy
import pingouin as pg
import numpy as np
# define data
random_group1 = np.random.default_rng(0).normal(0.618, 0.042258, 1000)
random_group2 = np.random.default_rng(1).normal(0.528, 0.04243779, 1000)
# perform tests
print(scipy.stats.ttest_ind(random_group1, random_group2, nan_policy='omit'))
print(pg.ttest(random_group1, random_group2, paired=False))
and this returns the following issue:
Ttest_indResult(statistic=48.538286790006495, pvalue=0.0)
FloatingPointError Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/bx/tb4883l53hdd3zp2y0nyy_4m0000gp/T/ipykernel_93020/4147835011.py in <module>
4 print(scipy.stats.ttest_ind(random_group1, random_group2, nan_policy='omit'))
----> 6 pg.ttest(random_group1, random_group2, paired=False)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pingouin/parametric.py in ttest(x, y, paired, alternative, correction, r, confidence)
295 # Bayes factor
--> 296 bf = bayesfactor_ttest(tval, nx, ny, paired=paired, alternative=alternative, r=r)
298 # Create output dictionnary
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pingouin/bayesian.py in bayesfactor_ttest(t, nx, ny, paired, alternative, r)
144 # JZS Bayes factor calculation: eq. 1 in Rouder et al. (2009)
145 integr = quad(fun, 0, np.inf, args=(t, n, r, df))[0]
--> 146 bf10 = 1 / ((1 + t**2 / df)**(-(df + 1) / 2) / integr)
148 # Tail
FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
raphaelvallat commented
Thanks for opening the issue. I'm only getting a RuntimeWarning and not an error when trying to reproduce the example. But either way, this should be fixed by #415