
There are 49 repositories under correlations topic.

  • raphaelvallat/pingouin

    Statistical package in Python based on Pandas

  • correlation


    :link: Methods for Correlation Analysis

  • desbordante-core


    Desbordante is a high-performance data profiler that is capable of discovering many different patterns in data using various algorithms. It also allows to run data cleaning scenarios using these algorithms. Desbordante has a console version and an easy-to-use web application.

  • felixpatzelt/colorednoise

    Python package to generate Gaussian (1/f)**beta noise (e.g. pink noise)

  • sergiventosa/FastPCC

    Compute interstation correlations of seismic ambient noise, including fast implementations of the standard, 1-bit, phase and wavelet phase cross-correlations.

  • tekpinar/correlationplus

    A Python package to calculate, visualize and analyze correlation maps of proteins.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook39488
  • USC-InfoLab/NeuroGNN

    NeuroGNN is a state-of-the-art framework for precise seizure detection and classification from EEG data. It employs dynamic Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to capture intricate spatial, temporal, semantic, and taxonomic correlations between EEG electrode locations and brain regions, resulting in improved accuracy. Presented at PAKDD '24.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook29132
  • carstenbauer/BinningAnalysis.jl

    Statistical standard error estimation tools for correlated data

  • AbinitioDGA/ADGA

    Abinitio Dynamical Vertex Approximation

  • dmeoli/OnlineRetail

    Data Mining project 2020/2021 @ University of Pisa

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12315
  • felixpatzelt/scorr

    Fast and flexible two- and three-point correlation analysis for time series using spectral methods.

  • dilettagoglia/DataMining

    🔎Data Understanding, Visualization , Preparation & Cleaning - Clustering algorithms (unsupervised learning) - Classification algorithms (supervised learning) - Sequential Pattern Mining

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9308
  • aleksandra-kim/akula

    Global sensitivity analysis that takes into account correlations and dependencies in the LCA model during uncertainty propagation with Monte Carlo approach.

  • m-martin-j/DataScience_PredictiveMaintenance

    Codes written in the course of a data science workshop at KIT in cooperation with FZI

  • elastacloud/automatic-data-explorer

    An R package to explore and quality check data

  • AshtonSBradley/QuantumFluidSpectra.jl

    Fast, accurate, and flexible spectral analysis for compressible quantum fluids

  • ayanatherate/dfcorrs

    A Python utility for Cramer's V Correlation Analysis for Categorical Features in Pandas Dataframes.

  • TextMiningGUI


    Text Mining and Analysis with Biplots.

  • elastacloud/dataframe-utils

    Util library to provide R-like dataframes and statistical functions over Parquet DataSet from parquet-dotnet

  • lopez-christian/Liver-Disease-Machine-Learning-Project

    This repository includes my Liver Disease Machine Learning-Flatiron School Module 3 Project. For this project I used libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn for visualizations and Scikit-Learn for the machine learning portion of the project. I implemented various classification algorithms on the data including some hyperparameter tuning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • michnard/MI_max

    Mutual information between neural responses and stimuli: the case of noise correlations. Interactive web widget and tutorial! :)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • roxana-zeraati/spatial-network

    A network model for studying the relation between temporal dynamics and connectivity structure

  • Sameeksharajsb/Foundational-Statistics-and-Hypothesis-Testing

    A hub that contains notebooks that perform elementary descriptive statistics of populations and samples and demonstrates 3 hypothesis tests- Welch t-test, Correlation, and Chi-square test. It shows how to run them in python and understand the results

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • USC-InfoLab/busyness-graph-neural-network

    Busyness Graph Neural Network (BysGNN): A framework for accurate Point-of-Interest visit forecasting using dynamic graphs that capture spatial, temporal, semantic, and taxonomic contexts. Presented at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023, this repository includes code, baselines, and experiments.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • beyarkay/RecipeDownloader

    A web scraper and some ML analysis scripts for recipe data

  • Deving789/NBA_Final-Project

    Using Python, R, and SQL with the 2014-15 NBA season data set. Our project imports the data set, merges with other files for cleaning & processing then puts the material into a machine learning algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1123
  • Dudaliya/Top-down-Correlation-R-code

    This contains R Script to calculate Top-down Correlation Iman & Conover Tecnometrics 1987

  • ecological-systems-design/akula

    Global sensitivity analysis that takes into account correlations and dependencies in the LCA model during uncertainty propagation with Monte Carlo approach.

  • HenyerM/California-housing-price-prediction

    Predicting price housing using a small data set. A project to understand the whole ML workflow.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • iarchakov/new-correlation-transform

    A New Parametrization of Correlation Matrices

  • khuu-cindy/Football-Coaches-Salaries

    Web scraping additional data to building a model to predict football coaches' salaries

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • michaela10c/wine_quality_analysis

    Predicts the red and white wine qualities, given their physicochemical attributes

  • mijailo/timeSeriesCorrelations

    Colección de notebooks tutoriales para bajar series de tiempo financieras y analizarlas sus correlaciones.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1000
  • Ryan-Eberle/Diabetes-Demographics-in-Colorado

    Visualization project of diabetes rates along Age, Income, Food Security, and Urban/Rural settings.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1102
  • Sara1583/IBM-Data-Science-project

    Binary classification of residential utility problems in NYC; Capstone project for the IBM Certificate in Data Science

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • searchgame/bulk-correlations

    Quickly uncover potential relationships in a CSV dataset by getting an overview of correlation coefficients between several pairs of metrics.
