- 0
Fix snapshot tests
#332 opened by mattansb - 2
Time series auto- and cross-correlations
#313 opened by Akronix - 3
- 2
Fix CRAN note
#323 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 5
Update `{correlation}` on CRAN to prevents user from seeing deprecation warnings
#319 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 6
refactoring the `correlation` package
#298 opened by mattansb - 1
Support the new "Chatterjee" (?) correlation?
#251 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 1
Error in Multilevel Correlation
#280 opened by teindor - 2
#306 opened by lammertvos - 1
specify adjustment variable
#311 opened by bethatkinson - 0
- 8
A new correlation coefficient (Chatterjee)
#314 opened by vincentarelbundock - 1
- 0
#307 opened by lammertvos - 10
Diagnoze build failures for `R < 4.1`
#259 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 0
Some tests are failing for R < 4.0
#281 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 1
- 0
Bayesian partial correlations
#301 opened by JulianGaviriaL - 4
Suggestion of new function: `cormatrix_to_excel()`
#291 opened by rempsyc - 1
Multilevel rank correlation
#293 opened by AlphaMutt - 0
Factors don't always work as intended
#292 opened by mattansb - 6
- 1
Costumizing priors
#289 opened by JulianGaviriaL - 2
Changing aesthetics of the correlation plot
#288 opened by MarkKramer - 5
Clarify `multilevel` argument
#253 opened by bwiernik - 0
- 3
CRAN check failures
#283 opened by bwiernik - 2
Extend man page
#278 opened by Thibaultfq - 0
No warnings about ties in data
#279 opened by jromanowska - 0
subset of variables in correlation matrix
#277 opened by SpaRroW410 - 0
plot method documentation missing some parameters
#275 opened by jromanowska - 12
Bayesian correlations not working with the latest version of `{parameters}`
#269 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 4
GGM color scheme
#268 opened by araikes - 0
- 6
- 1
Add functionality to compare coefficiants
#264 opened by mattansb - 7
- 0
`method = "auto"` not working for ordinal variables
#260 opened by shirdekel - 1
Use new select helpers
#232 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 1
- 10
Should not use *** for self-correlations R(x,x)=1
#250 opened by friendly - 4
Question about multilevel correlation
#237 opened by AnjaSchmutz - 0
- 2
- 0
Add `ci_method` attribute to outputs
#242 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 1
- 3
- 2
correlation() and cor_test() handle factors differently when using method = spearman
#236 opened by axrhart - 3
Getting rid of a warning in `correlation()`
#235 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 3
Error building the package
#233 opened by IndrajeetPatil