Pinned issues
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Implementing Cohen's Dz for paired sample T-Test
#450 opened by PibeChorro - 1
Validation of Plot Results
#447 opened by senbjoern - 3
ensure compatibility with numpy 2.0
#444 opened by raphaelvallat - 7
rm_corr error LinAlgError: SVD did not converge
#440 opened by shoffm - 3
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pg.bayesfactor_pearson(r=-0.856, n=64, alternative="greater") returns wrong BF value
#427 opened by tomasdominik - 3
How to plot pg.partial_corr as scatterplot?
#438 opened by JohannesWiesner - 3
Potential fix for numerical instabilities for corr and partial_corr: z-normalize
#411 opened by wolfgang-ganglberger - 4
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partial_corr documentation / assertion wrong
#387 opened by mkeds - 1
Mann-Whitney U (mwu): the computation of rank-biserial correlation (RBC) is problematic
#428 opened by mmpeng9 - 3
How to solve RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars and RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
#429 opened by LucasFKobernic - 1
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How to handle categorical covariates with more than two levels in pg.partial_corr?
#419 opened by JohannesWiesner - 3
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Two new test failures fails in Fedora Rawhide
#402 opened by musicinmybrain - 1
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Feature request: add CI to ANOVA/Tukey
#425 opened by jankaWIS - 1
chained assignment issue
#426 opened by HugoGagnon - 4
Mann-Whitney U (mwu): Order of `x` and `y` determines sign of rank-biserial correlation (RBC)
#417 opened by viggotw - 1
FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars when calculating t test
#412 opened by jankaWIS - 2
pandas > 1.5 reason?
#416 opened by info-rchitect - 0
Remove call to sns.despine in paired_plot
#408 opened by raphaelvallat - 1
Change solver in sklearn.LogisticRegression
#401 opened by raphaelvallat - 1
Rename development branch
#409 opened by hoechenberger - 2
Chi-Square Identified Significant Groups, Now Which One is More Significant?
#404 opened by turkalpmd - 2
chi2_independence p-values are possibly reversed
#405 opened by sam-tritto - 8
#400 opened by bobo-jamson - 1
relimp_perc causing TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'int'
#399 opened by loganlongacre - 1
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Update to function with Pandas >= 2.0.0
#394 opened by Cortexan - 3
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"Starting new HTTPS connection" when importing
#368 opened by buhtz - 1
Fix unit tests
#365 opened by raphaelvallat - 3
question about effect size of ttest
#361 opened by shangll - 1
ttest 95% Confidence interval deeper decimal point
#376 opened by sekigh - 4
pandas.DataFrame.iteritems deprecated since pandas 1.5: pingouin.plot_rm_corr fails on example dataset
#377 opened by moritz-gerster - 3
Mixed-ANOVA error
#381 opened by berkbuzcu - 2
Nan in corrected pvalue when conducted pairwise_tests post hoc for 2 way repeated measure ANOVA
#383 opened by hql471 - 1
Welch's ANOVA return values not match with document
#384 opened by tico88612 - 2
power_chi2() - definition of effect size?
#385 opened by FlorinAndrei - 6
bug in partial correlation when x ~ 10^9
#359 opened by dpellow - 5
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Function test fails for np.mean
#379 opened by gedeck - 1
pandas fails with dtype mismatch on 32-bit platforms
#378 opened by scinteeb - 0
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