
Freeswitch minimal config with applied performance settings

Minimal FreeSWITCH Configuration with minimal performance settings

The default "vanilla" configuration that comes with FreeSWITCH has been designed as a showcase of the configurability of the myriad of features that FreeSWITCH comes with out of the box. While it is very helpful in tinkering with FreeSWITCH, it has a lot of extraneous stuff enabled/configured for use in a production system. This configuration aims to take the reverse stance -- it attempts to be a starting point for configuring a new system by "adding" required features (instead of removing them as one would do if one starts with the default configuration).

This folder also includes the corresponding modules.conf that lists the modules that are required to get this configuration working.


This configuration was tested by sending an INVITE (without registration) using the siprtp example program that comes with PJSIP, and verifying that the info dump is produced on the FreeSWITCH console.

$ ./siprtp -q -p 1234 "sip:stub@$(my_ip):5080"


The configuration in this folder comes from mx4492/freeswitch-minimal-conf.

Other Minimal Configurations