Examples to accompany the "Raspberry Pi Pico Python SDK" book.
- 7
Some PIO examples are not working on RP2350/Pico 2
#83 opened by magy00 - 0
Bluetooth Example does memory manipulation in IRQ
#82 opened by 32BT - 3
PICO2 with python case SPI SLAVE MODE
#80 opened by bawanqin1987 - 5
Raspberry Pi Pico ADC changes the sampling rate in Free-running Sampling mode
#79 opened by leezisheng - 2
- 0
Issue with multicore.py
#77 opened by NFLEagles500 - 1
Find & Replaced RP2040 to RP2350?
#75 opened by errolt - 0
Raspberry pi pico und MPX2200AP
#73 opened by Taher317 - 1
About pico power consumption
#72 opened by xtbwqtq - 1
- 4
- 1
PWM channels
#68 opened by dknickerbocker - 1
Possible Issue with pio/pio_spi.py
#65 opened by Joel05 - 1
'rp2.PIO(0).irq()' clears all IRQs
#64 opened by mungewell - 2
blink.py error
#53 opened by Rudra076 - 2
Bluetooth examples
#59 opened by cezarfloroiu - 3
Add better examples with how to interact between PIO routines and the Micropython program running
#52 opened by Vendelator - 0
PIO 1Hz example off-by-one cycle
#55 opened by stigbjorlykke - 2
Pico W i2c issues
#51 opened by dbuggz - 2
- 2
- 0
blink.py doesn't work on Pico W
#48 opened by henley-regatta - 1
Why can not use IRQ in a new thread?
#47 opened by jie-smile - 1
pio_pinchange.py example pin change to high
#45 opened by beyonlo - 6
- 2
- 2
SPI master slave communication
#39 opened by embhobbb - 12
Thread Example held up by error messages and dies
#17 opened by tonygo - 1
Request Deep Sleep example
#16 opened by vslinuxdotnet - 1
DMA and Interrupt examples
#25 opened by controllerstech - 1
neopixel_ring.py Green led timing issue?
#36 opened by HyFy2SyFy - 1
support for UART rx interrupt
#37 opened by embhobbb - 1
PWM Fade additional example for NeoPixels
#38 opened by mytechnotalent - 4
"__thonny_helper isn't defined" error
#35 opened by biodives - 10
Need FIFO joining example
#27 opened by IndustrialMuffin - 1
#33 opened by Herbert0209 - 5
Wrong pins on sh1106 spi example
#31 opened by Garfius - 4
pio_blink.py and pio_irq.py examples uses 1000Hz frequency which is too low for Pi Pico
#18 opened by kevinjwalters - 1
multicore example does not work on Pico
#28 opened by jbeale1 - 2
timeout function in UART not available
#24 opened by nayanagg - 9
UART on Pico with MicroPython has no documentation, please at least include example
#19 opened by 7west - 6
machine.ADC(4) - initialization becoming corrupted
#13 opened by arajnak - 1
- 3
cant take input
#10 opened by Tank1334 - 8
- 1
- 1
How to use RTC with MicroPython?
#8 opened by pankaj-nikam - 4
In wiring for pio/neopixel_ring example, Ring V+ may better be connected to Pico VBUS (pin 40)
#2 opened by vjou - 1
ssd1306 oled display requires a module downloaded from pypi (within thonny or manually) should adoc mention it
#1 opened by ukscone