- 0
SyntaxError in Slackin on CentOS Stream: Unexpected Reserved Word During Execution
#430 opened by Shr3yash - 0
#429 opened by codewithcid - 6
Can't deploy: Error ENOTFOUND
#376 opened by serranoarevalo - 8
[Critical] Slackin will break in February 2021
#417 opened by mrfrase3 - 0
#423 opened by 07961596451nhjj - 9
Heroku Deploy gives Template does Not Exist Error, but the Template worked fine on my Local Server
#396 opened by dwfinley - 22
is it possible to use slackin now ? (legacy tokens are not supported by Slack anymore)
#416 opened by StefanoSalsano - 3
Too rapid polling/querying
#389 opened by KrzysztofMadejski - 2
How to get a legacy token for Slackin
#412 opened by nannanli - 2
General Data Protection Regulations question
#373 opened by SueChaplain - 4
Single channel guest
#374 opened by karolispx - 4
- 1
#408 opened by kitzy - 7
Heroku Deployment: missing_scope
#380 opened by gtallen1187 - 0
incompatibility beetwen node12 and and gulp3
#404 opened by david972 - 0
- 1
IBM Cloud Slackin Deployment Instructions
#401 opened by chrismetz09 - 4
Publish 0.14.0 on npm
#341 opened by kylestev - 11
- 0
"channel not found" if channel is shared
#398 opened by neuromusic - 1
- 2
Installing it on ubuntu server?
#358 opened by NinjaTurtle007 - 0
- 1
Multi-channel guest support?
#390 opened by jywarren - 0
How to configure for IBM Cloud (BlueMix)?
#375 opened by playground - 4
azure deploy broken
#355 opened by guolinke - 7
Azure Deployment Failed | The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.
#361 opened by ajayak - 1
heroku deployment fails
#388 opened by djwgit - 6
Now install fail (engine node incompatibile)
#383 opened by styk-tv - 0
Official docker image
#386 opened by Paxa - 0 down
#385 opened by osterman - 11
node version 6.11.1 is not available
#379 opened by gtallen1187 - 1
Large leading whitespace
#381 opened by ggvc-it - 0
#378 opened by Jannat-Bd - 0
Show the slack invite form on the same page.
#377 opened by jzabate - 1
- 0
Allow range of Node versions
#371 opened by stevenzeck - 1
reCAPTCHA error with domain name
#369 opened by abhayghatpande - 1
How to specify "Domains" when apply recaptcha?
#368 opened by immarvin - 0
- 0
- 1
Slackin not working at all
#360 opened by chrisdemars - 0
Add comma delimiter to badge embed
#357 opened by JohnONolan - 2
Optional captcha
#352 opened by KrzysztofMadejski - 0
#351 opened by emedvedev - 0
- 0
Image to share in social media
#346 opened by KrzysztofMadejski - 6
Slackin heroku deployment broken?
#338 opened by Zuse2k - 0
High CPU usage by default
#339 opened by Daniel15 - 1
Self-hosting instructions
#335 opened by Daniel15