
PWM not updated on display

Fossdal opened this issue · 1 comments

In CLI mode the pwm walues are not updated on the display
the tilt value is not updated at all, and the pan value is sometimes updated but just sometimes

configurator 3.0.0
Firmwar 10.1.3
Naze 32 rev 6 (afroflight 32)

PWM values are updated while moving tilt and pan sliders, so, there is no bugs in that regard.

However, T: value is not updated, this is the titl target angle. This is a new bug that will be solved in next release.

Please take a look to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EEs1IdlK_k

PWM values are updated while moving tilt and pan sliders.
However, T: value is not updated, this is the titl target angle.