A very basic modern OpenGL PBR Renderer
- Deferred Shading
- G-Buffer contains positions, normals and PBR textures
- Physically based shading (Cook-Torrance BRDF only)
- Environment maps and Image Based Lighting (IBL)
- Diffuse part using irradiance maps
- Specular part using Split Sum Approximation i.e. split specular radiance integral so that we can use two prefiltered textures
- FPS-style camera control
- Wavefront OBJ loader
- OpenGL 3.0+
- SDL2 2.0.9 (For window creation and input handling)
- glad (OpenGL Loading Library)
- rw - Vectors, Matrices, Quaternions, Timers (My libraries for games/graphics)
- tinyobjloader (Alternative OBJ loader from self-written one)