- Allen2021
- AmandaRPSilver Spring, MD
- amkesslerWashington, DC
- asimumbaFreelance
- batpigandme@tidyverse
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- bffcorianne
- cderv
- cgwardSWVCTC
- conorehealy
- Ebedthan
- fengfengyuyu
- hugh1li
- jemus42@bips-hb // @slds-lmu
- jonmcalderLibryo
- jystatisticsThe Ohio State University
- kang-yuZürich
- kevinrueUniversity of Oxford
- kgildsLakeland FL
- knsamatiConsultant
- m040601somecompany1
- matdoeringBISC Global
- MikelBaBilbao, Basque Country
- mrworthington@longevitypartners
- njtierneyTelethon Kids Institute
- pembletoncOpenNorth
- robertkckTeach for Austria
- sagitanintaTambora Muda Indonesia
- shanmdphdCollege of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
- spcanelonUniversity of Pennsylvania
- tioirawan@K-Desk
- uramnamaCincinnati, OH
- vi9nesh
- Yuri-M-DiasBrazil
- yutannihilationJapan
- zacklocx