
A curated list of awesome Monzo related things

Awesome Monzo Awesome

A curated list of awesome Monzo related things

Inspired by the awesome list thing.

General Resources


  • monzo-coffee - Tag transactions automatically with custom rules
  • mondo-dashboard - A dashboard, with map, built on top of the Mondo API
  • mondo-dashboard - A dashboard built on top of the Mondo API
  • mondoweb - An online banking client built on the Mondo API
  • mondoweb - Check your Mondo account from a web browser
  • mondo-web - Mondo online banking app
  • Monzo QIF Exporter - Monzo transaction exporter for QIF and CSV formats
  • Monzo to QIF CLI - Export Monzo transaction to QIF via CLI
  • My Mondo - Mondo iOS app clone for web
  • monzo-cljs - A Monzo client built in clojurescript
  • monzoid - A visualisation of your spending with Monzo
  • monzo-web-client - Transaction list & view, exporting, map and custom payday budgeting feature
  • monzo-reports - Expense reports out of Monzo API
  • Dashbonzo - Online dashboard detailing transactions and spending with Monzo.
  • monzo-balance - Sometimes want to check your balance without out any other functionality whatsoever?? Monzo Balance is for you
  • bankbar - Monzo on your desktop. Balance, spend & account details.
  • mondobar - Your Mondo balance in your menubar
  • Mondo.extension - A browser extension for Mondo
  • Mon.do Chrome Extension - A browser extension for your Mondo account to get display your current balance and days spending
  • monies - A little command line application for Mondo
  • monzo-cli - Monzo bank command line interface client
  • Quids - Quids will be the personal bank feed for your Mac
  • Monux - Unofficial Monzo Client for Desktop
  • clonzo - Just another Node.js-based command line client for Monzo
  • monz - Simple (and awesome) Monzo command line interface
Apple Watch
  • WatchKit - Notification app from the Mondo hackday


Code & Client Libraries

  • mondo-clj - Provides a clojure wrapper to the Mondo bank API
  • monzo - Haskell bindings for the Monzo API
  • Mondo-Client - A Mondo Bank API Client
  • mondo-php - A PHP-HTTP and PSR-7 Mondo API client
  • oauth-mondo - A Mondo provider for the PHP League OAuth 2.0 Client
  • monzo-php - An API client for Monzo Bank (with a Laravel service provider)
  • libmonzo - A Python 3 wrapper of the Monzo API that supports OAuth
  • mondo-python - A simple python SDK for dealing with the Mondo API
  • monzo-python - A python SDK for interacting with the Monzo API
  • monzo-python - A Python (2.7) wrapper for the Monzo API
  • pymonzo - An awesome Python library that smartly wraps Monzo public API
  • MondoKit - A Swift framework for accessing the Mondo bank API
  • monzo-swift - A server-side Swift package for interacting with the Monzo public API
  • monzo-vapor - Swift Package for Server-Side Swift Projects Using Vapor


  • alexa-monzo - Monzo skill for the Amazon Alexa
  • bitmondo - Show Bitcoin transactions at Mondo feed
  • Foursquare - Auto-foursquare checkin on transansactions
  • GMail - email receipts automatically linked to your transactions
  • Google Assistant - Action for the Google (Home) Assistant
  • Google Calendar - Put your bank transactions in your Google Calendar
  • Google sheets - Automatically add transactions to a Google spreadsheet
  • mondo-bills - service to monitor subscriptions and bills coming out of your Mondo account automatically
  • mondo-tx-heatmap - Mondo transactions displayed as a heatmap
  • mondochat
  • MondoSquared - Automatically check into foursquare when using your Mondo card
  • MondoTFL - Pulls journey information from Transport for London's website, generates journey receipts and then automatically links them to your transactions.
  • Monzo-Google-Sheets - Scripts to sync data betweeen a google sheet and Monzo account
  • Monzo Alexa Skill - Custom Amazon Alexa skill API for Monzo
  • MonzySkill - Ask for your balance, transactions & total spent. Tells you your topups, transfers and transaction history.
  • Nectar Card - Loyalty scheme balance tracking in your Mondo account
  • TeamCash - a smart spending tracker for small teams and businesses
  • Toshl - Automatically add expenses to Toshl whenever there is a transaction on Mondo card
  • Uber - Instant publishing of Uber receipts to your Mondo bank feed
  • YNAB - Automatically push Mondo transactions to YNAB
  • hubot-monzo-me - Quickly generate Monzo.me URLs in chat
  • monzo-roundup - Round up Monzo transactions and send to moneybox


  • emvexplorer - An electron desktop app to read EMV card data


Mondo Hackathon #1
Mondo Hackathon #2
Mondo Hackathon #3
Mondo Hackathon #4
Codebar Hacks Mondo


Blog Posts



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