- 16
Invalid option: --with-python3
#113 opened by aurimas13 - 4
Invalid option --with-python3
#115 opened by jbibbe4 - 27
- 11
rdpath in dylibs is not set (10.15.7 intel)
#112 opened by wgscott - 7
Add rdkit.egg-info directory
#97 opened by flying-sheep - 2
rdkit with pyenv
#114 opened by Rnaskan - 8
RDKIt PostgreSQL cartrdige via brew
#99 opened by cap-jmk - 12
Failure to install on macOS Mojave
#87 opened by rapodaca - 4
Installation Error on Mac 10.15.2
#84 opened by jinserk - 5
Could NOT find Boost (missing: python) (found suitable version "1.72.0", minimum required is "1.56.0")
#89 opened by aravind1338 - 2
rdkit installation problem in mac os catelina
#98 opened by yellaboina - 1
Installation Not Working
#111 opened by kperveen - 7
RDKit installation problem on macOS Big Sur
#108 opened by JuergenDi - 3
Installs RDKit/Code into the wrong directory
#106 opened by thorlucas - 2
Failing make at "[ 14%] Built target rdBase"
#107 opened by rynecjohnston - 1
Add build with Cairo flag
#103 opened by thorlucas - 2
update to latest release
#100 opened by UnixJunkie - 6
Failed to install on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6
#94 opened by darentsia - 9
Build error in Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
#95 opened by jnooree - 8
Install with Java doesn't work
#38 opened by tdudgeon - 1
- 5
Problem with linker while compiling
#88 opened by liyiyuian - 0
Update README to reflect python3 only
#85 opened by cthoyt - 5
Installing on MacBook Air running Mojave failed
#83 opened by pducrot - 6
Formula not building till the end
#81 opened by Adafede - 1
the README should be updated
#72 opened by UnixJunkie - 1
- 2
- 9
- 1
- 4
Install fails
#28 opened by rscottrowland - 2
Suggestion for Readme update
#29 opened by supern8ent - 11
- 9
Installation failure: Configuring Incomplete
#62 opened by cthoyt - 1
Should we change the way of installation? Install python2 and python3 at the same time by default or have two different formulas?
#58 opened by hsiaoyi0504 - 31
cmake fail to build: Error 2
#43 opened by lesterpjy - 1
the version in brew is 2017.09.3
#66 opened by UnixJunkie - 3
Make Error Built target DataStructs
#46 opened by ManvithaPonnapati - 4
- 5
Add cron job for Travis
#63 opened by hsiaoyi0504 - 5
Python behavior will be changed in homebrew
#55 opened by hsiaoyi0504 - 1
Calling <<-EOS.undent is deprecated
#60 opened by UnixJunkie - 0
SHA1 support is deprecated
#30 opened by hsiaoyi0504 - 1
Error installing
#56 opened by nsantini - 2
Dependency collector parsing deprecation
#53 opened by theavey - 1
Deprecated call
#36 opened by palicand - 1
Homebrew installs old version of RDKit
#39 opened by tdudgeon - 1
Unable to install rdkit -- mac OS
#41 opened by shashj199 - 1
HasSubstructMatch not working properly
#35 opened by ravenlocke - 4
Issue with CTest post installation with homebrew
#27 opened by dmoccia