- 0
Release for Neo4j 5.x
#21 opened by drwillcharles - 1
- 0
Creating a mol from inchi (String)
#19 opened by tnguy271 - 2
mvn package error
#18 opened by bolak92 - 0
neo4j-rdkit plugin : org.rdkit.neo4j.bin.LibraryLoaderLifecycle@6094de13' failed to initialize
#17 opened by starz10de - 7
- 1
- 2
- 3
error with docker ne4j / community edition
#15 opened by pi-at-git - 1
change node creation behaviour ("luri")
#13 opened by pi-at-git - 0
modification of behaviour when a new structure node is created and output of a structure search ("preferred name" / "name"))
#12 opened by pi-at-git - 0
- 1
XCode10 CI tests are failing
#3 opened by greglandrum