- Next-video
Add high-performance video to your Next.js app
- Uploadthing
File Uploads For Next.js Developers
- Nexar
Application architecture for Next.js App Router apps
- react-next-starter - demo
- next-lotus-starter - demo
- nextplate
- typescript-nextjs-starter - demo
- next-typescript - demo ++
- nextjs-with-aos-example - demo
- Next.js on Lambda via Serverless demo - demo
- prisma-next-auth -
Next.js boilerplate for passwordless authentication with Prisma and next-auth
- nextjs-redux-starter - demo
- next-netlify-blog-starter - demo
- next-netlify-starter - demo
- next-netlify-portfolio-starter - demo
- nextjs-12 - demo
- muxt-ts - demo
A NextJs + MUI v5 + Typescript starter to start your project faster with no pain
- muxt
A Next.js + MUI v5 starter to start your project faster
- next-sass-starter - demo
- nextjs-with-locomotive-scroll-example - demo
- use-next-blurhash-hook-example - demo ++
- next-cache-effective-pages - demo
- nextjs-multiauthor-blog-starter
- next-project-starter - demo
- next.js-tailwindcss-template - demo
- nextjs-starter - demo
A starter project for next js with authentication - Contains React 17 + Typescript + Tailwind CSS 2 + React Query 3 + GitHub Auth + LinkedIn Auth + Password-less Auth + Fauna DB + ESLint + Prettier + Husky
- Elastic's Next.js EUI Starter - demo
- wild-next
- nextarter-chakra - demo
- t3 app - website
The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app
- ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter - demo
- next-app-starter - demo
- Boilerplate and Starter - demo
- next-fullstack-starter -
Next.js + Prisma + TailwindCSS + (Type-)GraphQL
- nextjs-typescript-tailwindcss-starter - demo
- Next.js Starter Tailwind - demo
- nextjs-advanced-starter - demo
- nextjs-planetscale-starter - demo - docs
- nextjs-starter
This is a Next.js project that uses Prisma to connect to a PlanetScale database and Tailwind CSS for styling.
- nextjs-hasura-boilerplate - demo -
Boilerplate for building applications using Hasura and Next.js
- with-nextjs-i18n-routing - demo
- with-nextjs-image-loader - demo
- with-nextjs-image - demo
- with-nextjs-mdx-remote - demo
- with-nextjs - demo
- next-contentful-starter - demo
- next-contentful-graphql
Setup for using next with Contentful's Graphql API and have code generation for the schema and the queries and stuff... with great typescript support.
- next-web3-boilerplate - demo
Slightly opinionated Next.js Web3 boilerplate built on ethers, web3-react, Typechain, and SWR.
- solidity-nextjs-starter
A full-stack dApp starter built on Ethereum (Solidity) with Next.js (React)
- web3-starter
- Taxonomy - demo
- nextra - demo
- theBag - demo
Multipurpose template made by Nextjs and MUI v5.
- next-dev-studio - demo
- next-saas-starter - demo
- theme-nextjs-starter - website
- rnb-site - demo
- react-next-boilerplate - website
- next-boilerplate - demo
- next-eui-starter - demo
- ultimate-saas-ts -demo
- cna-chakra-ui-template - demo
- Startup - Free Next.js Startup Website Template - demo
- supastarter - demo
- nextra-theme-docs - demo
- next-smooth-doc - demo
- productlog-nextjs-theme - demo
- NextBook - demo
- hyperdocs - demo
- odoc - demo
- nextacular - demo
- nextra-theme-blog - demo
- tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog - demo
- Next Blog Firestore
- nextjs-mdx-blog-kit - demo
- Next.js Medium style boilerplate blog - demo
- nextjs-typescript-mdx-blog - demo
- nextjs-tailwind-simple-blog - demo
- next-blog -
Markdown based blog using next.js, supporting static export
- next-starter-novela -
Novela — A ready to deploy starter of the Novela blog theme for Next.js
- Next-js-Blog-Boilerplate - demo
- nextjs-mdx-blog-starter - demo
- nextjs-netlify-blog-template - demo
- React Storefront - demo
saleor checkout
- Next.js Ecommerce - demo
- headless-dropshipping-starter - demo
- next-store - demo
- crystallize-nextjs-boilerplate - demo
- commercejs-nextjs-demo-store - demo
- Jamstack ECommerce Next - demo
- nextjs-starter-medusa - website
- medusa-starter-default - website
- HULL - demo
- nextjs-shopify - demo
- next-shopify-starter - demo
- next-shopify-ts
A boilerplate for using Next.js with Shopify, TypeScript, and react-query
- next-mdx-remote -
Load mdx content from anywhere through getStaticProps in next.js
++ - mdx-bundler -
Compile and bundle your MDX files and their dependencies. FAST.
++ - mdx-embed -
Embed 3rd party media content in MDX - no import required
++ - documentation - Next-offline
- Next.js + MDX Enhanced
- next-unused -
Find unused files in your Next.js projects
- next-themes - demo -
Perfect Next.js dark mode in 2 lines of code. Support System preference and any other theme with no flashing
- next-seo -
Next SEO is a plug in that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects.
- next-sitemap - how to
Sitemap generator for next.js. Generate sitemap(s) and robots.txt for all static/pre-rendered/dynamic/server-side pages.
- next-i18next - website
- next-optimized-images
- next-api-og-image -
Easy way to generate open-graph images dynamically in HTML or React using Next.js API Routes. Suitable for serverless environment.
- next-pwa -
Zero config PWA plugin for Next.js, with workbox
- nextjs-redirect - website
- next-image-proxy - website
- nextjs-color-mode - demo
A helper for creating non-flickering and accessible themed applications
- use-next-blurhash -
A custom hook that from a blurhash string will give you a blurDataUrl to add to your dynamics image in nextjs getting so a better user experience.
Solved -Vercel Deployment Error ++ - next-translate -
Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js earth_africa - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!
- next-plugin-preval
Pre-evaluate async functions during builds and import them like JSON
- next-superjson
Automatically transform your Next.js Pages to use SuperJSON, without losing swc support
- next-api-decorators - documentation
- mdnext
The opinionated ecosystem for MDX powered NextJS apps for blogs, documentation, and more.
- nextjs-progressbar - demo - documentatios ++
- next-data-hooks - example
getServerSidePropsas react-hooks
- next-page-tester - example
- css-in-js
A thorough analysis of all the current CSS-in-JS solutions with SSR & TypeScript support for Next.js
- next-dark-mode - demo
- cookies-next
Getting, setting and removing cookies on both client and server with next.js
- runtime-env – Runtime Environemt Variables for Next.js. Stop configuring ENV variables in CI/CD, use a cloud-native approach (kubernetes, vargant, etc).
- hashnode
- chakra-templates - website
- chakra-ui - website
- chakra-ui docs
- opencollective-frontend - website
- elmasse.io - website
- nirmalyaghosh.com - website
- nextjs-typescript-postgresql-graphql-realtime-chat
- maxigimenez - website
- pablopunk.com - website
- vimcolors.org - website
- egghead-next - website
- blitz - website
- leerob.io - website
- bstefanski.com - website
- oscarrier - website
- mirror-next - website
A Next.js-powered frontend for your Mirror publication
- playwright-community - website
- planetscale docs - website
- delba.dev - website
- danielwirtz.com - website
- blog.maximeheckel.com - website
- contentlayer.dev - website
- adebayosegun.com - website
- domhabersack.com - website
- invisionapp
- 100ms Documentation - website
- fantasy-docs-next - website
- magicbell docs - website
- nfinity Bot List docs - website
- magicbell documentation - website
- jsonvisio.com - website
- notion-avatar - website
- howtoprofessionallysay - website
- heroicons - website
- symbols-search - website
- aravindballa website - website
- pliny
Create content heavy websites with ease - built on next.js, contentlayer and tailwindcss
- Volleyball scoreboard application
- krabs -
Express.js/Fastify middleware and virtual host for multi-tenant Next.js applications
- nextjs-vanilla-extract-example
- nextjs-authentication-using-strapi-and-next-auth
- twitter-clone-using-nextjs-and-prisma - demo
- nextjs-hasura-trello-clone - demo
- nextjs-prism-markdown - demo
- example-next-isr-with-swr - demo
- nextjs-preact-demo - website
- next-prisma-starter - demo
- typescript-nextjs-redux-toolkit-material-ui-example - demo
- static-next - demo
- trello-clone - website
- next-runtime - documentation
- next-type-graphql
Apollo TypeGraphQL micro server for Next.js api routes
- next-advanced-apollo-starter
Advanced, but minimalistic Next.js and Apollo starter
- zora-nextjs-app
Example Full Stack App built with Next.js, Zora, Tailwind, and The Graph
- TweenPages - demo
Build complex animated page transitions with GSAP and Next.js
- Next.js Leaflet Starter - demo
A Next.js starter with Leafet to quickly build React apps with a map!
- liveblocks.io
Collaborative experiences in days, not months
- nextjs-bundle-analysis -
A github action that provides detailed bundle analysis on PRs for next.js apps
- next-real-viewport -
No more horizontal scroll when using 100vw tada. No more issues with the 100vh in mobile browsers exploding_head.
- Next.js and Prismic.io Blog Series
- iron-session - documentation
- nookies -
A set of cookie helpers for Next.js
- nextein- website
A static site generator with markdown + react for Next.js
- next-auth - website
Authentication for Next.js
- Serverless Next.js Component -
Deploy your Next.js apps on AWS Lambda@Edge via Serverless Components
- Building a Product Hunt clone app using Hasura and Next.js - product-hunt-clone-using-nextjs-and-hasura
- next-redux-wrapper -
Redux Wrapper for Next.js
- next-s3-upload - documentation
Upload files from your Next.js app to S3
- next-hcaptcha -
Robust, dependency free and highly configurable solution for guarding Next.js API Routes through higher order function with HCaptcha
- next-connect -
The TypeScript-ready, minimal router and middleware layer for Next.js, Micro, Vercel, or Node.js http/http2
- next-with-apollo -
Apollo HOC for Next.js
- next-session -
Simple promise-based session middleware for Next.js, micro, Express, and more
- next-api-compose -
Simple, dependency free, error aware and powerful utility to compose chain of multiple middleware into one Next.js API Route.
- next-boost -
Add a cache layer for server-side-rendered pages with stale-while-revalidate. Can be considered as an implementation of next.js's Incremental Static Regeneration which works with getServerSideProps
- next-remote-refresh - example
- reflexjs - website
A library for rapid UI development with style props, color modes, themes and variants + starter kits, themes and blocks to help you build Gatsby and Next.js sites faster.
- faustjs - Getting Started with Next.js
Faust.js - The Headless WordPress Framework
- mordred
[Experimental] Source data from anywhere, for Next.js, Nuxt.js, Eleventy and many more
- nextjs-lit-token-gating
Minimal example of token gating with Next.js and Lit Protocol
- polygon-ethereum-nextjs-marketplace
A full stack digital marketplace running on Ethereum with Polygon & Next.js
- nextjs-dapp-starter-ts
A fullstack monorepo template to develop ethereum dapps
- supabase-nextjs-auth
- NextStatic
10x cheaper Image Optimization for Next.js
- Loading Images With the “Blur Down” Technique
- Updating Static Next.js Pages Instantly
- Next.js — Make your own Progress bar indicator component easily!!!
- Static Tweets with MDX and Next.js
- How to Build and Deploy a Jamstack Website Fast With Next.js
- Build Mobile Apps with Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Ionic Framework, and Capacitor - repo
some accounts where you can find different kinds of content related to Nextjs.