👾 Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
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Typescript displays wrong messages.
#285 opened by yancaidev - 1
How can I install react-native@0.68.5?
#325 opened by xclidongbo - 1
Support for RN 0.71?
#322 opened by kenhuang - 1
An error is reported during initialization ?
#321 opened by huangtian615 - 1
Android app will not run after default init
#318 opened by rplotkin - 1
Using with specified version of RN doesn't work
#315 opened by ViktorVojtek - 5
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fails to install CocoaPods deps
#265 opened by JDMathew - 0
- 1
- 1
Error: Couldn't find the "/template.config.js file inside "react-native" template.
#307 opened by MichaelHao25 - 4
The template lack deps `@types/react`
#298 opened by hua03 - 1
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undefined is not a object(evaluating 'o[typeof Symbol === "function"?Symbol.iterator:"@@iterator"]')
#289 opened by plustard1 - 2
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There is a Helloworld.xcworkspace file in the ios folder every time I use the typescript template.
#297 opened by younisrahman - 0
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Custom Path for 0.69+ not working
#284 opened by VRDemon - 1
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can not run npx react-native init MyApp
#280 opened by Stang0 - 5
App.tsx - Section needs type for "children"
#268 opened by ameetmadan - 3
React Native 69 will use iOS 12.4 as minimal version but we still recommends es2017 in TS config
#275 opened by retyui - 0
Use error report
#274 opened by WuChenDi - 2
Missing template.config.js
#221 opened by mansdahlstrom1 - 2
Erro ao criar novo projeto.
#263 opened by otacilioricardo - 2
#261 opened by leotm - 4
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Question: Release Procedure
#251 opened by pksorensen - 1
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Add 0.65.2 support for template
#232 opened by likern - 8
Transpiling errors with version 6.6.3
#203 opened by dewijones92 - 1
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Error when init project and run android
#241 opened by Vn-ChemGio - 1
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Command failed: yarn install
#229 opened by gurbela - 1
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Does this template bundle Flipper in release?
#220 opened by henrymoulton - 1
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Doesn't work on OpenJdk 16?
#219 opened by shirshak55 - 2
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Property body[6] of BlockStatement expected node to be of a type ["Statement"] but instead got "AssignmentExpression"
#213 opened by amadeuszblanik - 2
App.tsx fails linter
#201 opened by tsargent - 1
whole App.tsx is indented with 1 space
#204 opened by jouve - 0
Support RN 0.64.1 🙏
#205 opened by BenJeau - 1
Error with "npx react-native init AwesomeTSProject"
#202 opened by vaidehikr