
Persian poem rhythm recognition using transformers

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persian poem rhythm recognition

What is it?

Recognizing the rhythm of a poem is one of the most challenging aspects of Persian literature. It’s an intriguing area for research because there have been a few prior studies in this field. The transformer is used by the system to identify the beat. This technique is used. The results demonstrate extremely high accuracy with minimal effort in terms of time and resources. The best accuracy of the model was reported for the corresponding architecture of transformers network was 90.95 percent with accuracy metric on hole new unseen data set of the test data set.

How it works

We used transformers for this task with the following architecture. As it can be seen in Fig 1, the input poem line is going to be fed to trans- formers. For getting proper embedding we combine a corresponding u-dash string of poem line as input too. The poem line is going to be converted to proper phoneme syntax which is used commonly for TTS tasked. The Arrived phoneme and u-dash representation are combined in a special format and make input embedding. For better Performance, we used a pre-trained model for G2P module in the network to make better predictions. G2P pre-trained model used nearly 48K words as dictionary table and stemm other words to match unseen words based on network architecture Input embedding is fed to the Transformer layer, we used Bert as the Main choice for transformers due to its permanence in the multi-classification tasks (Bert)


Research and Development

Classic Classifiers

once I tried to get direct embedding from provided data seemed to use full for prosody detection. Label encoder has been used both for cv-files and u-dash files. Encoder converts c, v, and V in cv-files to corresponding numbers in their space and convert -, and U similarly for other files. This phase remains the same 1Figure 1: Network basic architecture 2for both developments in the train set and validation set and production phase which is for the test set. these new embedding has been padded with zero, make sure all the embedding sizes are fit together. For evaluation, I first tried some classic approaches as ones that were used in the original paper themselves. Classic models which were used:

  • Logistic Regression
  • Gaussian Naive Base
  • K Nearest Neighbors
  • Multi Layer Perceptron
  • SVM with both linear and non-linear kernel
  • Decision Tree
  • XGBoost
  • Gradient Boosting Ada boost classifier

I also try to combine an ensemble classifier to get higher accuracy on non- seen poems in the test set. For example, I used a Voting classifier and apply majority vote to classifier decisions. In all of the above experiments, the best result was achieved from classifiers like KNN, and ensembles ones contained SVM was around 47 percent accuracy maximum.

Ganjor Embedding

Running Skip-gram model with small window on all of the crawled poems from awesome Ganjor data set made and Em-bedder which can consider not only the word but also its context. Each embedding size was configured to be 50 items for the model. This new embedding itself doesn’t get lots of meaning to the model. It needs at least information from u-dash. Otherwise, it must be chunked by the number of 6 to 8 varies by hemstitch itself based on the prosody of that poem, which makes it a cyclic problem and get conflict with the main problem itself. Also averaging each part of hemstitch and adding them to the previously derived data set only increased the defined model by near 9 percent, it ended progress near 56 and 57 at most.

Modifying Arabic prosody model

I modified the Arabic prosody model called Arud (arrudy) 1 or ”Science of Po- etry” that can be used for the Persian language too. It adds forgotten diacritics and detecting poetry meter and etc. Using it on poems like the following will cause to get more information about reading the poem inside the computer, also it performs very well on its task, arrudy got to the main problem.

(aruudy) is Arabic package toolkit see more in repo

  1. The main concept of character replacement and vowel fixing did by regex, not a learning process. All expression and updated was hardcoded in the package

  2. The simplicity of the package can be better by sanitizing do auddy detection process and guessing the combination of all chunks of steamed, but there was no data to make the model learn this part of the task correctly. example of aruudy normalization and prosody formation.

من با تو حدیث بی زبان گویم

will be converted to:

مٓن بَا تُو حٓدیث بِی زٓبَان گُویم

😲 Cognitive neuroscientist fact

The left hemisphere may handle the lion’s share of language processing, but the right hemisphere does make some contributions. The right superior temporal sulcus plays a role in processing the rhythm of language (prosody), and the right prefr ontal cortex, middle temporal gyrus, and posterior cingulate activate when sentences have metaphorical meaning.

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