
review: aaa_clean_linelist

Closed this issue · 3 comments

We need a review for the aaa_clean_linelist report.

Quick links to:

golden rules for writing reports:

guide to review:

kya2 commented

For consideration:

Looks good. I guess this has been reviewed by many people already. A few small comments:

I will make these changes and then submit a pull request

Data cleaning

aliases and renaming

  • Add in other date variables to have date at the start of the name

identify community death

  • Consider issue number #6 re @kya2

Reorder columns

  • Remove commented out columns in the reordering of columns lines 459

Adding the hospital dates to the cleaning causes some issues. It's related to the tolerance of the number of dates it's unable to clean.

This might not be resolved here and require looking at the master linelist. I tried changing the tolerance to 0.99 and it still failed. This was empty column for hosp6 so ignoreing that column and now it works