Starter code for the CellSignal NeurIPS 2019 competition.
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- Abhi001vj
- akn264
- alxndrkalininBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- AnoopRKulkarniInnotomy Consulting
- ArunkumarRamananAI Founder @Deep-Brainz & Stealth AI Labs
- Christophe-FreyreNovartis
- csmolnar
- danielcastillacSoftServe
- DerekShiJDIllinois, US
- dfdavilaQuito, Ecuador
- ekwskaUnited Kingdom
- fishfishfish1111
- frankt86
- helenaslove
- huyhoang17HUST
- jamesjjcondonUniversity of Adelaide
- jarednielsen
- jc138691
- matthew-mcateer5cube Labs
- maxpmxUPenn
- mgirardotQuantum Surgical
- MichelML@valence-labs
- mili-yini
- ninfueng@tamukohlaboratory
- nothingeasy
- papkovUniversity of Tartu
- pranavashokMunich, Germany
- quqixunChengdu,China
- raijinspecialThe Milky Way
- shpotesGoogle
- squaresurfHashiCorp
- SuryaSg@Chatboteam
- szywind
- yosinskiWindscape AI; ML Collective
- zhaozhengithub