- 1
jump between inline math
#147 opened by allenryb - 1
Add license
#144 opened by OrbitalHustler - 1
Does not support Ruby’s endless methods
#143 opened by tofuya - 0
support styled component
#105 opened by redguardtoo - 14
jump to wrong line in ruby
#138 opened by leateng - 1
handlin seq_statement
#123 opened by redguardtoo - 3
Feature request: make evil an optional dependency
#137 opened by QiangF - 1
NonGNU ELPA out of sync
#139 opened by monnier - 4
Add plugin to support plantuml
#136 opened by t6ui - 7
text-mode can't use simple rule
#135 opened by zijianyue - 14
- 5
- 4
Ruby matching issues
#114 opened by kriansa - 1
f90 mode plugin rule
#122 opened by qiUip - 1
Error when jumping inside Elisp comment.
#124 opened by Janfel - 2
- 2
Compatibility with $ in visual mode
#129 opened by toyboot4e - 10
Use SDK for Verilog?
#74 opened by CeleritasCelery - 1
add ci and tdd
#101 opened by redguardtoo - 2
Matchit jumping in self-closing tags
#121 opened by ianyepan - 5
Jumps don't get added to the jump list
#104 opened by eli-rodriguezperez - 9
evilmi broken in js ts rjsx mode
#120 opened by yqrashawn - 4
- 2
evilmi-select-items behaviour is a little weird when cursor is inside a {(["<>
#117 opened by linchen2chris - 0
evilmi-select-items behaviour is a little weird when cursor is inside a {([
#116 opened by linchen2chris - 2
Ruby matches `case` within strings
#111 opened by kriansa - 6
- 6
Ruby matches without spaces fail
#112 opened by kriansa - 2
- 2
- 1
Not compatible with evil-smartpares-mode
#103 opened by yanghaoxie - 0
- 2
ruby splat args confuse evil-matchit
#100 opened by Silex - 0
- 0
- 2
mhtml-mode (emacs26): evilmi--scan-sexps: Scan error: "Containing expression ends prematurely", 1158, 1159
#94 opened by jackkamm - 4
- 6
[Feature Request] Support for elixir?
#83 opened by dsdshcym - 1
- 2
support markdown
#76 opened by redguardtoo - 4
- 1
css, scss, sass, less need a rule
#67 opened by redguardtoo - 8
- 4
"action %" does not work
#73 opened by xuhdev - 5
Jumping back from inline math tag in latex
#70 opened by justbur - 18
- 0
- 0
unit test scan-sexps in all major-modes
#71 opened by redguardtoo - 6
Intraline matches
#69 opened by jmcarthur - 7